A film about food. And about not having any food. For this Chinese family living by the beach, food is a ritual. A crab you catch is only of any use if you can eat it. One day another family comes to buy food. They don't want to go back to their country for anything. The land of the boat people. But what fisherman would set fire to his boat?
丹绒马林有颗树 A Tree in Tanjung Malim
2004 | 25min | 中英字幕
导演虚构的少年自传 。 十七岁的少女逃学来到吉隆坡 。 她和一个朋友吃晚餐 , 去大钟楼看灯 , 在公寓外的草场打赌最后关灯的是哪一间 , 有一句没一句地唱歌 。 她告诉他早上搭巴士迷路的事 。 她说路旁有棵大树 , 不断地下着白花 , 薄薄的 , 像纸巾一样 。
A fictional autobiographical sketch from the director's youth. A refined and almost imperceptibly sultry film. It barely has the onset of a story. A young woman,still a girl, saunters down the street at night with a man who hasn't been a boy for some time. The mood is more listless than erotic. The dialogues are more bored than poetic, yet there is something contemplative in their strolling and chatting. The man is played by local rock star Pete Teo, but even if you don't know that, his intriguing personality holds the consciously scanty story together. The director used to look down on old people who hadn't made it. She regrets that now.
蘑菇兄弟们 Company of Mushrooms
2006 | 32min | 中英字幕
四个男人见面 。 话题无可避免地绕着他们的女人 。 导演说看起来是男人电影 , 私底下是一部女性电影 。
Company of Mushrooms is the name of a pizza. In the same restaurant, there's also a pizza called The Long Goodbye. Not everybody loves pizza and not everybody loves mushrooms. And even if you love pizza and mushrooms, that doesn't mean you like pizza with lots of different kinds of mushrooms. With filmmaker Ho Yuhang, a participant in the 2005 Tiger Competition, in and entertaining role as a coarse-mouthed braggart.
一个未来 One Future
2009 | 5min | 中文字幕
一个前卫和强大的科幻故事的社会 , 一切看似完美无缺 , 但就是没有人可以开口说话 。
An edgy and powerful science fiction story of a society where everything is perfect, except no one is allowed to speak.
每一天每一天 Everyday Everyday
2009 | 18min | 英文字幕
淑贞辞职了 。 她决定要去秘鲁 。 小马无法理解她的理由 。 其实他从来就搞不懂淑贞要什么 。
Sook Chen quit her job and decided to go to Peru. Ma could not understand why. In fact, she could never understand what Sook Chen wanted.
仪式之必要 The Need for Rites
2008 | 13min | 英文字幕
一场算命 , 是对人生的一次粗暴的审视 。 就算她一点都不相信算命 , 她没有办法不重新思考人生 。
Sook Chen meets a fortune teller on the street. The whole conversation soon becomes unbearable.
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