双语版24节气( 三 )

In terms of TCM, leeks are known for their ability to regulate qi movement. They also help to expel cold and regulate blood circulation.
健体养生 What to do
★ 迎着朝阳“快步走” Getting up early with the sun and taking “brisk walks”
In the Yellow Emperor’s Cannon (a classical Chinese medicine book) there is a statement which indicates that spring has a rising and ascending nature which we should utilize by “Getting up early with the sun” and taking “brisk walks”. As the saying goes, “preserve Yang in spring and summer, while preserve Yin in autumn and winter”, Spring Begins is a turning point one should pay more attention to preserving Yang Qi, which is generated from the winter’s Yin Qi state.
★ 管理情绪,远离愤怒 Manage our emotion to far away from anger
As we introduce, spring belongs to wood and liver, which relates to the emotion of anger most. And it’s easy to be angry if the liver doesn’t works well. Thus, it’s important to remind us not to be control by anger and these kinds of emotions, like dissatisfaction and impatience, while nourish the liver.
★ 初春时节仍注意保暖 Keep in warm coat at the early spring
During Spring Begins, the temperature difference between day and night is large and the temperature in the morning is low. Due to the poor adaptability of the human body to the changeable wind direction in spring, and the gradual opening of the capillarieson the skin, people can easily catch cold when the weather suddenly turned cold. Therefore, it is the prone period of cold and respiratory diseases, and we should pay attention to keeping warm and preventing diseases. The winter-clothing should not be taken off too early.
★ 自我按摩 self-acupressure


● 立春后人体的毛孔逐渐打开,风邪夹寒邪最容易趁虛而入导致感冒,经常按摩肺经可以提升抵抗风寒的能力。肺经在我们手臂的内侧,它经过肩窝开始向下延伸到大拇指,取它上下两端的穴位来按摩就会有很好的效果,一个是肩部的中府穴,另一个是大拇指的少商穴,每天早晨起床用手半握拳各敲一百遍。
After the spring begins, the pores of the human body are gradually opened. Wind and cold evil are easy to take advantage of a cold. Regular massage of the lung meridian can improve the ability to resist wind and cold. Lung meridian in the inner side of our arm, it began to extend down to the thumb through the shoulder socket, take its upper and lower ends of the acupoint to massage have a good effect, one is the "Zhong fu point", the other is the thumb of the "Shao shang point", we can knock knock one hundred times for each with every morning
● 春属木,与肝相应,入春后,人的肝气开始旺盛,此时是调养肝脏的好时机,调肝养肝最为经典和常用的穴位就是位于脚上的“太冲穴”, 按摩太冲穴能够激发肝经的元气,有效促进肝经气血的运行,从而达到养肝补肝的目的。