为什么会下雨WhyDoesItRain( 三 )

Often one side of a mountain is warm and sunny, and the other side, only a few hundred feet away, is wet and rainy.
通常山的一边温暖而阳光灿烂,而山的另一边 , 就在几百英尺远的地方,潮湿而多雨 。
Frontal rain develops when two bodies of air, an area of warm air and an area of cool air, meet.
锋面雨是由两股气流形成的,暖空气区和冷空气区相遇 。
The colder air mass is heavier than the warmer air, and so the lighter, warmer air rises over the top of the heavier, cooler air.
较冷的气团比较热的空气重,因此较轻的空气——暖空气上升到较重、较冷的空气上方 。
As the warmer air rises over the cold air it also starts to cool, condensation occurs, and the cloud forming process begins, leading to rain.
随着暖空气上升到冷空气上方,它也开始冷却,出现凝结现象,云开始形成 , 导致降雨 。
Where frontal rain develops, skies are typically grey and mostly covered by clouds.
在锋面雨形成的地方,天空通常是灰色的,大部分被云所覆盖 。
And finally convectional rain.
最后是对流雨 。
On a warm day, the sunshine heats up the ground, and the air above is also warmed, causing it to expand and rise.
在温暖的日子里,阳光使地面升温 , 上面的空气也变暖了,导致它膨胀上升 。
As it continues to warm, it absorbs more water because, as we mentioned before, warm air can hold more water than cool air.
随着温度的升高 , 它吸收了更多的水,因为,正如我们之前提到的,热空气比冷空气能储存更多的水份 。
But as it rises, the temperature starts to drop again, because the atmosphere gets cooler as you go higher - by roughly one degree centigrade for every 100m of altitude.
但随着暖空气升高,温度又开始下降,因为越往上越冷——大约每上升100米就会下降1摄氏度 。
When the air reaches a height where the temperature forces the water vapor to start condensing, clouds begin to form.
当空气达到一定高度时,温度迫使水蒸气开始凝结,云就开始形成 。
Clouds formed this way are called cumulus clouds, or cumulonimbus clouds, and they usually lead to very heavy rain, often with thunder and lightning.
这样形成的云被称为积雨云,它们通常会导致大雨,还经常伴有电闪雷鸣 。
Convectional rain is experienced at the end of a hot summer day, like when the air feels heavy and we can tell a storm is brewing.
在炎热的夏天结束时,会经历对流雨 , 空气会变得很重 , 我们可以感觉到暴风雨就要来了 。
So, that's the process of clouds forming.
这就是云的形成过程 。
Clouds cool the Earth's surface by reflecting sunlight, and they supply water that is essential for the survival of plants, animals, and us humans.
云通过反射阳光使地球表面降温 , 它们提供的水对植物、动物和我们人类的生存至关重要 。
Have you experienced extreme or severe rain, when the water we need turns from friend to foe?
你经历过大雨或暴雨吗?彼时我们赖以生存的水从朋友变成了敌人 。
Describe the worst storm you've ever been in, in the comments below.
在下面的评论中描述一下你经历过的最大的暴风雨 。
Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Is Life Like In The Smallest Country In The World?
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
感谢您的收看,和往常一样,请不要忘记点赞、分享和订阅 。
See you next time!
