千山鸟飞绝 , 万径人踪灭 。
From hill to hill no bird in flight,
From path to path no man in sight.
道可道 , 非常道;名可名 , 非常名 。
Truth can be known,
but it may not be the well-known truth,
or truth you know.
Things may be named,
but names are not the things.
会当凌绝顶 , 一览众山小 。
Try to ascend the mountain's crest;
It dwarfs all peaks under our feet.
举头望明月 , 低头思故乡 。
Looking up,
I find the moon bright;
in homesickness I'm drowned.
愿君多采撷 , 此物最相思 。
Gather them till full is your hand;
They would revive fond memories.
择一事 , 终一生
缅怀 , 许渊冲先生!
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