预防措施英文 预防措施英文缩写( 二 )

出入医院、车zhàn、商场等公共场所及乘坐公共jiāo通工具时,戴口罩、讲秩序、不扎堆、不聚集,文明排队,保持1米以上社jiāo距离 。
8、Open Windows for ventilation and keep indoor air flowing can effectively reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria in the air and reduce the risk of disease tran***ission.
开窗通风,保持室内空气流动,可有效降低空气中病毒和细菌的浓度,减少疾病传播风险 。
9、Pay attention to personal protection in elevators, cinemas and other closed places.
在电梯、电影院等密闭场所时注意个人防护 。
10、Try not to take public transportation. It is recommended to walk, bike, or take private cars or shuttle buses to work.
尽量不乘坐公共jiāo通工具,建议步行、骑行或乘坐私家车、班车上班 。
措施英文措施的英文是measure 。
1、地方当局说宵禁是一种防措施 。
The local administration says the curfew is a precautionary measure.
2、苏格兰采取的自治措施将会类似地用在威尔士 。
Home rule for Scotland would be accompanied by a similar measure for Wales.
3、作为防性措施,请重复用药 。
As a precautionary measure repeat the medication.
4、反对该措施的人士认为zhè是一场政治作秀,会对经济发展带来yán重的打击 。
Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.
5、zhè第二道门是又一项安全措施,白天可以上锁 。
This second door is an extra security measure and can be locked in position during the day.
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