Adam|高一英语时文阅读含答案:励志厨师爱美食 愉悦视频暖人心

由于对烹饪和表演的热爱 , 30岁的亚当·利比(Adam Libby)在他日益增长的抖音(TikTok)号上找到了将两者结合起来的方法 。 虽然他开通抖音账号只有一年多一点的时间 , 但他的粉丝已经超过30万 。
Adam|高一英语时文阅读含答案:励志厨师爱美食 愉悦视频暖人心

With a love for cooking and acting, 30-year-old Adam Libby found a way to combine the two on his growing TikTok page. Although his account is only a little over a year old, he has already reached over 300, 000 followers.
Adam’s journey to becoming a chef all began with an organization called Living Innovations. This incredible group supports “people of all ages and abilities to have a good life at home and in the community,” including individuals with Down syndrome(唐氏综合症) like Adam!
Living Innovations provides a wide range of assistance like shared living spaces, community support, job coaching, and more. These services match people like Adam with direct support professionals (DSP), who are there to come alongside the people they’re assigned to however they can.
With the help of his DSP, Adam was able to create his very own TikTok account. In his heartwarming videos, you can find him going over each step of the cooking process as he puts together plenty of delicious meals. Like most food videos, they’ll leave you wishing you could reach through the screen and take a bite!
Watching a meal come to life from start to finish is satisfying, especially once the final product is revealed. But what truly stands out the most in Adam’s videos is Adam himself! His passion for cooking and his bubbly(活泼的) personality shine through in every single one.
1 . Which of the following best describes Living Innovations?
A It is a name of TikTok account.
B It is a community of Down syndrome.
C It is a training organization for cooking and acting.
D It is a group providing assistance for people like Adam.
由于完整篇幅有限 , 完整版参考《奇速英语时文月刊》各年级打印版从9月刊开始 , 购买网络版送打印版 , 与每日更新的网络版保持同步 , 新增了重难词汇、长难句及大数据精准测评报告!
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