畅想2015英文作文怎么写( 六 )

出于无聊寂寞的围攻,漫步在新鲜的自然空间,沐浴在阳光和微风的新年 。看冬至后山开始解冻的河流樊青,调皮地向前流到田野散发出绿色的小脑袋,又是新的一年的报告中的好消息 。
你会由衷地感到一个祝大家新年快乐,生活是如此的美丽 。当我今天站在这里,跨入新的一年,庄严的,神圣的心的感觉是我们 。
新的一年是不平凡的一年,值得一生回忆的一年 。今年将有一个历史事件的一些兴奋和骄傲的,每个人的生活都将在年内拉开新的篇章将加倍努力进取 。
生活中的许多将失踪在今年动摇了失败的原因是成功的在过去的一年里,家庭更健康和幸福的一年,喜欢生活在更多不同今年辉煌 。总之,一切,一切,在新的一年里,展现在面前的金光大道,那么你就在生活的荣耀 。
新的一年里,有许多的想象,每个人都会来解释行动,使幻想变成现实 。无论成交量年复一年,无论四季的轮回,新的一年将带给你新的美丽 。
9.畅想2050英语作文畅想2050英语作文畅想2050英语作文畅想2050英语In my opinion,I think when we write this article we are imaging the life of future.As an undergraduate,the day in2050 is a mystery for us and I really think the life in that year is quite different from today.Before that day coming,we can dream as much as we like and we are expecting that day approaching.It is a day in2050.In the morning,people eat their breakfasts with a little machine reading the daily newspaper when we put the paper in it.After that,they go to work just telling the car where they want to go and the car can use the GPS to confirm the place to go.The car is not locked because the car with an intelligent computer can identify its owner exactly.If you are not the owner,you can not drive it.People work with most of working hours using their brain and just using their hands to push the buttons.The company or the factory is full of machines and few people watching them.That is the automatic age.The people live in the north of the earth can really eat the food from the south after they book it and the food will be severed in 30 minutes.The life seems very comfortable for us.People can have enough time to take exercise,travel and communicate with their families.The style of life is very good for people and people can keep healthy bodies for a long time.The traffic is no longer hard and people who have had a fly-motorbike can ride it above the normal road through the buildings.After work,they can listen to the concert with families.The robot can do all the housework without ordering and it works using solar battery that does not waste energy sources.People do not care about the little family things at the same they can use more time to do better to develop the technology and economy just for living better and feeling happily.It is the whole day of the future people who live in 2050.I hope it will come true on that day. 。

