端午节放假通知英文邮件怎么写( 二 )

其中, 5 月 28 日(星期四、农历端午当日)为法定节假日, 5 月 30 日(星期六)照常公休; 5 月 31 日(星期日)公休日调至 5 月 29 日(星期五); 5 月 31 日(星期日)上班 。请各部门提前安排工作,并告知相关客户 。
届时请大家对各自的区域进行检查,根除公司内任何安全隐患(如:关闭所有电器开关,等等) 。祝大家节日快乐:)HR & Admin2009-5-11 。
According to the relevant provisions of holiday festival notices,
the Dragon Boat Festival plan as follows: break up three days from June 14 to 16,June 12 (Saturday) and June 13(Sunday) on duty .Enterprise and public institution can arrange the holidays by themselives based on the matter of fact.And every units should be strengthened and do well in the security work during the festival.

