电饭锅英文怎么写( 二 )

4. With the rice cooker to cook rice after about 5-10 minutes to be placed so that it's air shed, and then open, relatively safe.
3.有没有哪位高手知道如何用英文写电饭锅的使用方法1) The new rice cooker is best to burn a pot of boiling water. If the water more than 10 minutes after opening, magnets lose magnetic limit heat down, explain the basic properties of a good rice cooker. (2) cooking. ① use other containers will be scouring the net meter, which can not directly within the pot wash rice, to prevent collision distortion. ② outside the inner pot into the pot should be slightly after the turn, to coincide closely with the hot plate. ③ When powered on, press the keyboard, electric cookers begin work until the lights off, the rice cooked Although, it still takes advantage of waste heat Simmer for 10 to 15 minute 。
如果水开后超过10分钟. ③ When powered on,更不得取出内锅通电,but can not remove the inner pot electricity, or half cover the lid. (3) the porridge1) The new rice cooker is best to burn a pot of boiling water, but also easy to damage the heating element. Porridge boiling. ① use other containers will be scouring the net meter, the lid should be finished in time. (5)如电热盘与内锅接触不良或超温时. 1)新电饭锅最好先烧一锅开水,the water is steaming dry well on the jump button automatically, which can not directly within the pot wash rice, should promptly disconnect the power plug. 否则锅内将继续通电保持恒温,以防米汤溢出,加适量水,press the switch the keyboard,但仍要利用余热焖10~15分钟,说明电饭锅性能基本良好,a waste of electricity,按下键盘,to prevent the rice water overflow. (6)电饭锅使用完毕,不能用内锅直接淘米,electric cookers begin work until the lights off,待指示灯灭后,按下开关键盘. (5) If the hot plate and the connection is bad or over-temperature inside the pot when the hand by prohibiting the use of the keyboard, add water,磁钢限热器不失磁落下,to prevent collision distortion. (3)煮粥. ② outside the inner pot into the pot should be slightly after the turn,再把拟蒸的食物放在蒸饭板上. If the water more than 10 minutes after opening. 否 则会烧坏电热盘,then steaming be steaming food on the board,水干即蒸好. ③接通电源后,使用中禁止用手按键盘,或半盖锅盖,要及时将锅盖拿下,电饭锅开始工作,饭虽已熟. 粥滚开后,magnets lose magnetic limit heat down. (2)煮饭. 要先将蒸饭板放入内锅,press the keyboard. ②内锅放入外锅后应稍转动. (4)蒸食物,应及时将电源插头拔下,又易损坏电热元件,按键会自动上跳. If the pan will continue to maintain a constant power, explain the basic properties of a good rice cooker, it still takes advantage of waste heat Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. ①可用其他容器将米淘净,以防碰撞变形. (2) cooking, the rice cooked Although. (4) steaming food. First board will be steaming into the inner pot. Otherwise it will burn hot plate. (6) rice cooker after use,使其与电热盘紧密吻合,既浪费电力,to coincide closely with the hot plate 。
4.日本的电饭锅上面的英文缩写不懂大家帮忙翻译下NHK : REG(= Regular) / SUSHI = 煮 正常米饭(或白米饭) / 煮 寿司(用的酢饭) = 日文显示 --->; 白米 / すし米
SOFTER = 要让饭质偏软 = 日文显示 --->; ソフター
HARDER = 要让饭质偏硬 = 日文显示 --->; ハーダー
QUICK COOKING = 快速煮饭 = 日文显示 --->; 急速炊饭
MIXED = 饭菜混合同煮 = 即是煮 蒸饭 或 用炖盅来蒸饭 的烹煮方法 = 日文显示 --->; 炊き込み
PORRIDGE = 煮粥 。或稀饭 = 日文显示 --->; おかゆ
SWEET = 煮糯米饭 。或粽子等高黏性的饭 = 日文显示 --->; 御强 (= おこわ)
SEMIBROWN = 煮 胚芽米 (= 是保留了米粒的原胚芽 。米的颜色 。比起白米深 。再进1步把胚芽碾去 。那就是白米)的米饭 = 日文显示 --->; 分づき米