1.姑娘我爱你的英文歌词Long hair In the dark, dark eyesAs if seen you in what placeHe good beautiful flowers on the hillI want to pick a flower for youPure smile Silly wordsImprinted in my mind is difficult to forgetHead of the butterfly fly ah good sweetI want to say to you had fallen in love with youI love you my dear girlLet me walk into your worldTo be with youI love you my dear girlIt can do anything for youI would also like toThe girl I love you > - sonal tashiLong hair In the dark, dark eyesAs if seen you in what placeHe good beautiful flowers on the hillI want to pick a flower for youPure smile Silly wordsImprinted in my mind is difficult to forgetHead of the butterfly fly ah good sweetI want to say to you had fallen in love with youI love you my dear girlLet me walk into your worldTo be with youI love you my dear girlIt can do anything for youI would also like toI love you my dear girlLet me walk into your worldTo be with youI love you my dear girlIt can do anything for youI would also like toIt can do anything for youI would also like toIt can do anything for youI would also like to 。
2.姑娘我爱你的英文歌词Long hair In the dark, dark eyesAs if seen you in what placeHe good beautiful flowers on the hillI want to pick a flower for youPure smile Silly wordsImprinted in my mind is difficult to forgetHead of the butterfly fly ah good sweetI want to say to you had fallen in love with youI love you my dear girlLet me walk into your worldTo be with youI love you my dear girlIt can do anything for youI would also like toThe girl I love you > - sonal tashiLong hair In the dark, dark eyesAs if seen you in what placeHe good beautiful flowers on the hillI want to pick a flower for youPure smile Silly wordsImprinted in my mind is difficult to forgetHead of the butterfly fly ah good sweetI want to say to you had fallen in love with youI love you my dear girlLet me walk into your worldTo be with youI love you my dear girlIt can do anything for youI would also like toI love you my dear girlLet me walk into your worldTo be with youI love you my dear girlIt can do anything for youI would also like toIt can do anything for youI would also like toIt can do anything for youI would also like to 。
3.我爱你英语怎么说如下:英 语:I love you 法 语:Je t'aime,Je t'adore 德 语:Ich liebe Dich 希 腊语:S'agapo 犹 太语:Ani ohev otach(male or famale),Ani ohevet otcha (male or famale) 匈 牙 利:Szeretlek 爱 尔 兰:taim i'ngra leat 爱 沙 尼 亚:Mina armastan sind 芬 兰:Min rakastan sinua 比 利 时佛兰芒语:IK zie u graag 意 大 利语:ti amo,ti vogliobene 拉 丁语:Te amo,Vos amo 拉 托 维 亚:Es tevi Milu 里 斯 本:lingo gramo-te bue',chavalinha 立 陶 宛:Tave Myliu 马 其 顿:Te sakam 马 尔 它:Inhobbok 波 兰:Kocham Cie,Ja cie kocham 葡 萄 牙:Eu amo-te 罗 马 尼 亚:Te iu besc,Te Ador 荷 兰:IK hou van jou 捷 克:Miluji te 丹 麦:Jeg elsker dig 阿 尔 萨 斯:Ich hoan dich gear 亚 美 尼 亚:Yes Kezi Seeroom yem 巴 伐 利 亚:I mog di narrisch gern 保 加 利 亚:ahs te obicham 西 班 牙加泰隆语:T'estim 克 罗 地 亚:Volim te 阿 塞 疆 语:Men seni serivem 孟 加 拉:Ami tomay bhalobashi 缅 甸:chit pa de 柬 埔 寨:Bong salang oun 菲 律 宾:Mahal Kita,Iniibig Kita 印 度 古 吉 拉 特 语:Hoon tane prem karun chuun 北 印 度 语:main tumse pyar *n 印 度 尼 西 亚:Saja kasih saudari 朝 鲜:Tangshin-i cho-a-yo 爪 哇 语:aku tresno marang sliromu 老 挝:Khoi huk chau 马 来 语:saya Cinta Mu 蒙古语:bi chamd hairtai 尼泊尔:Ma tumilai maya garchu,Ma timilai man parauchu 波斯语:Tora dost daram 他加禄语:Mahal kita 南非语:Ek het jou lief Ek is lief vir jou 加纳:Me do wo 埃塞俄比亚阿姆哈雷地区:Ene ewedechalu(for ladies),Ene ewedehalwe(for men) 阿拉伯语:Ana Ahebak(to a male) Arabic Ana ahebek(to a female) 瑞士德语:Ich li b Dich 克里奥尔语:Mon *u 豪萨语:Ina sonki 肯尼亚班图语:Nigwedete 马达加斯加语:tia* 印度阿萨姆邦语:Moi tomak bhal pau 南亚泰米尔语:Tamil n'an unnaik kathalikkinren 印度泰卢固语:Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu 泰国:Ch'an Rak Khun 乌尔都语:Mein tumhay pyar karti hun(woman to man),Mein tumhay pyar karta hun(man to woman) 越南:Em ye'u anh(woman to man) Anh ye'u em(man to woman) 新西兰毛里语:*ahai 爱斯基摩:Nagligivaget 格陵兰岛:Asavakit 冰岛:e'g elska tig 阿尔巴尼亚:T Dua Shume 俄罗斯:Ya vas Iyublyu,Ya Tibia Lyublyu 塞尔维亚:Volim Te 斯洛文尼亚语:Ljubim te 西班牙:Te amo,Tequiero 瑞典:Jag lskar dig 土尔其:Seni seviyorum 乌克兰:ja vas kokhaju 威尔士:Rwy'n dy garu di 亚述语:ana bayanoo* male) 高加索切尔克斯语:wise cas 韩语:????^^ 日语:爱している,Kimi o aishiteru Sukiyo 汉语:我爱你 维族语:man siz ni so yi man 苗族语言:lenx muaf god hlob gaox 。
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