
1.爱心的英语怎么写爱心的英文:loving heart;compassionate;caring
caring 读法 英 ['ke?r??] 美 ['k?r??]
1、adj. 有同情心的;表示或感到关怀或关心的
2、v. 关心;照顾(care的现在分词)
1、take good care of 照顾好;好好照看
2、personal care 个人护理;个人护理用品
3、health care products 保健品
4、health care system 保健系统;医疗制度
5、take care of yourself 照顾好你自己;自己多保重
2.“有爱心的” 用英语怎么说1.(有热情; 有兴趣) enthusiastic; ardent; earnest; warmhearted;Caring: 热心传授技术 make earnest efforts to pass on one's skill; 热心提倡 enthusiastic about promoting; 热心科学 eager to promote science; 热心为顾客服务 warmheartedly serve the customers; 热心防止环境污染的人士 eco-activist2.(热情) enthusiasm; earnestness; ardour; zeal 。
Loving heart
Benevolence prize 爱心奖
Loving Care Project 爱心工程
Have a loving,bountiful life.
愿你的一生充满爱心,慷慨宽厚 。
She volunteers at the hospital for love.
Their devotion to their children was beyond words.
他们对儿女的爱心非言词所能表达 。
Charity- the only thing we can give away without lose it.
爱心是唯一能奉献而又不会失去的东西 。
All the inspiring teachers display an abundance of love and patience.
Launch an activity of "Showing Loving Hearts for the Disabled"
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英
-- A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now wide"ispread and volunteers are numerous.
--群众性献爱心活动广泛开展,涌现出一批志愿者队伍 。
-- others - 汉英
-- A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now widespread and volunteers are numerous.
--群众性献爱心活动广泛开展,涌现出一批志愿者队伍 。
-- 汉英 - 翻译参考
Show loving heart; show tender feelings
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英
Many hospitals in large and medium-sized cities have conducted activities to show love to disabled orphans. By performing operations on the disabled, they have helped many disabled orphans recover their health.
许多大中城市的医院开展了为孤残儿童献爱心的活动,为他们实施脱残手术,使许多残疾孤儿得到了康复 。
-- 汉英非文学 - 白皮书 - renquanshiye
On every day in Hangzhou, with Miss Tourism did arouse activities of love.
在来到杭州的每一天,佳丽们用爱心掀起了一个个献爱心的波澜 。
A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now wide"ispread and volunteers are numerous.
--群众性献爱心活动广泛开展,涌现出一批志愿者队伍 。
In this respect, South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region conduded a series of advocacy activities, calling for people to show their love and cherish valuable life, to protect women and take action together to fight against AIDS.
广西壮族自治区防治艾滋病工作委员会联合当地妇儿工委等相关部门在南宁市掀起了宣传热潮,呼吁人们奉献爱心,呵护生命,关注妇女,抵御艾滋 。
God accepts while loving so.
他也会怀着爱心接受奉献 。
-- 英美经典情诗3 - Mere Love Is Beautiful Indeed
May peace and love Be your gift at Christmas and always!
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例