
1.用英语介绍赛车 尽量详细F1赛车的介绍 F1是Formula One的缩写,中文为一级方程式赛车 。
为什么叫F1(“一级方程式赛车”)呢?是因为他的每个零部件的制造过程都像数学方程式一样精确 。而Formula 1 Grand Prix的缩写F1GP,译成中文就是“一级方程式大奖赛” 。
其实这项比赛的全称应该是“一级方程式赛车世界锦标赛”,英文写出来是“FIA Formula 1 Grand Prix World Championship” 。但是,通常一说F1,大家就能明白,这是在讨论陆地上开得最快的机器了 。
FIA(Federation Inter-nationaledeI'Automobile)即“国际汽车运动联合会”是F1的主办单位,简称国际汽联 。总部设在瑞士日内瓦,现任主席马克斯?莫斯利 。
F1是FIA举办的最重要比赛,除此之外,还有其他不同等级的几十种其他赛车比赛 。F1是FIA所制订的方程式赛车规范中,等级最高的,因此以“1”命名 。
(同类型的还有F1摩托艇大赛,但不是FIA的管辖范围) FOM(FormulaOneManagement)是F1的管理公司,拥有者是英国巨富伯尼?埃克莱斯通 。伯尼是F1真正的老大,手上几乎控制着所有F1的资源 。
今年74岁的伯尼,家产高达44亿英镑,在他的努力下,F1发展到现在,已经成为全世界收视率最高的体育运动项目了 。F1 vehicle race introduction F1 is the Formula One abbreviation,Chinese is level of formula cars. Why calls F1 ("level of formulacars")? Is because his each spare part manufacture process all likesmathematics equation to be equally precise. But Formula 1 Grand Prixabbreviation F1GP, translates into Chinese is "level of equationsgrand prize contests". Actually this competition full title should be"a level of formula cars world series", English writes is "FIA Formula1 Grand Prix World Championship". But, usual saying F1, everybody canunderstand that, this was operates the quickest machine on thediscussion land. FIA (Federation Inter-nationaledeI ' Automobile)namely "the international automobile movement federation" is the F1sponsor unit, the abbreviation international steam is joint. Theheadquarters are located in the Swiss Geneva, incumbent President MarxMosley. F1 is the most important competition which FIA conducts, inaddition, but also has other different ranks several dozens kinds ofother vehicle races competition. F1 is in the formula car standardwhich FIA draws up, rank highest, therefore by "1" naming. (Similaralso has F1 motor dory big game, but is not the FIA jurisdictionscope) FOM (FormulaOneManagement) is the F1 management company,is English multimillionaire Stone. PrimaryNepal is the F1 genuine eldest child, in the hand nearly iscontrolling all F1 resources. This year 74 year-old primary Nepal, thefamily property reaches as high as 4.4 billion pounds, in himdiligently under, F1 develops the present, already became the worldviewing ratio highest sports project. 。
2.用英语介绍赛车 尽量详细F1赛车的介绍 F1是Formula One的缩写,中文为一级方程式赛车 。
为什么叫F1(“一级方程式赛车”)呢?是因为他的每个零部件的制造过程都像数学方程式一样精确 。而Formula 1 Grand Prix的缩写F1GP,译成中文就是“一级方程式大奖赛” 。
其实这项比赛的全称应该是“一级方程式赛车世界锦标赛”,英文写出来是“FIA Formula 1 Grand Prix World Championship” 。但是,通常一说F1,大家就能明白,这是在讨论陆地上开得最快的机器了 。
FIA(Federation Inter-nationaledeI'Automobile)即“国际汽车运动联合会”是F1的主办单位,简称国际汽联 。总部设在瑞士日内瓦,现任主席马克斯?莫斯利 。
F1是FIA举办的最重要比赛,除此之外,还有其他不同等级的几十种其他赛车比赛 。F1是FIA所制订的方程式赛车规范中,等级最高的,因此以“1”命名 。
(同类型的还有F1摩托艇大赛,但不是FIA的管辖范围) FOM(FormulaOneManagement)是F1的管理公司,拥有者是英国巨富伯尼?埃克莱斯通 。伯尼是F1真正的老大,手上几乎控制着所有F1的资源 。