爱尔兰离婚英文是怎么写的( 二 )

Ireland is divided into 26 counties, and some of the counties are known for special features. For example, County Kerry is famous for its mountains and the scenic Lakes of Killarney. County Waterford is known for its delicate cut glass, and County Donegal is famous for its tweed cloth.
Many people consider the Irish to be exceptionally warm-hearted and friendly. The Irish also have a reputation for hospitality, close family ties, and skill as writers and storytellers.
The Irish have a long history that includes many hardships and struggles. In the 1840's, a potato blight and the starvation and disease that followed caused the deaths of about a million people and at least as many people left their homeland. After this famine, a shortage of jobs and other problems caused emigration to continue. As a result, little more than half as many people live in Ireland today as lived there in 1845.
Ireland was under British rule for hundreds of years. Ireland gained its independence from Britain in 1921.
A country occupying most of the island of Ireland. Established as the Irish Free State in 1922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937. The Republic of Ireland was proclaimed on Easter Monday (April 18), 1949. Dublin is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,443,405.
爱尔兰 , 爱尔兰自由邦只有爱尔兰岛大部的国家 。它于1922年被建为爱尔兰自由邦 , 在1937年正式成为爱尔兰主权国家 。爱尔兰共和国于1949年复活节星期一(4月18日)宣告成立 。都柏林是其首都和最大城市 。人口3,443,405
5.爱尔兰在哪里是欧洲的一个国家 爱尔兰共和国(爱尔兰语:Poblacht na hÉireann或Éire;英语:Republic of Ireland;简称:Eire) , 全国草地遍布 , 有“绿岛”之称 。西临大西洋东靠爱尔兰海 , 与英国隔海相望 , 爱尔兰为北美通向欧洲的通道 。爱尔兰人属于凯尔特人 , 是欧洲大陆第一代居民的子嗣 。它有5000多年历史 , 是一个有着悠久历史的国家 。尽管爱尔兰也有自己的语言-盖尔语 , 但它却是欧洲除英国之外唯一一个英语国家 。爱尔兰共和国于1922年从英国殖民统治下独立出来 , 是个和平宁静的国家 。爱尔兰北部被称为北爱尔兰 , 至今仍属于英国 , 因此爱尔兰与电视新闻中经常出现的暴力冲突频频的北爱尔兰是有所不同的 。
爱尔兰是一个信奉天主教的国家 , 禁止离婚 。因此 , 爱尔兰人无不对婚姻大事格外慎重 , 生怕一失足成千古恨 。
在爱尔兰各个市政机关办公大厅 , 都有液晶屏显示结婚须知:本处只办理结婚登记手续而不办理离婚登记 。虽然如此 , 但并不意味着公民只能和一位伴侣终此一生 , 男女双方在结婚时可以协商婚姻关系的期限 , 从1年到100年不等 。期限届满后若有继续生活的意愿 , 可以办理延期登记手续 。
不但如此 , 婚姻登记费用也是根据婚姻期限的时间呈比例递减 。最短的期限为1年 , 但是费用最昂贵:2000英镑 。但如果结婚期限是100年 , 那么登记费用仅仅0.5英镑 。根据婚姻期限 , 结婚证书也是不一样的 。假如是1年 , 那么新人将得到厚如百科全书般的两大本结婚证书 。里面逐条逐项列举了男女双方的各项权利和义务 , 小到清洁修理 , 大到生育教育 , 可谓是一本完善的家庭相处条例了 。但如果结婚期限是100年 , 结婚证书则薄到一张纸条 , 上面仅仅写着法官的祝福:
尊敬的先生、太太:我不知道我的左手对右手、右腿对左腿、左眼对右眼、右脑对左脑究竟应该承担起怎样的责任和义务 。其实他们本来就是一个整体 , 只因为彼此的存在而存在、因为彼此的快乐而快乐 。所以 , 让这张粉红色的小纸条送去我对你们百年婚姻的最美好祝愿!祝你们幸福!———市首席法官