暑假快乐的英语怎么写( 二 )

5.快乐的暑假生活用英语怎么说快乐的暑假生活的英文翻译是:Happy Summer Holidays快乐的暑假生活;快乐的暑假;暑假快乐关键词汇summer holidays暑假扩展资料1、What was Tom doing during the summer holidays? 汤姆在暑假期间都做了什么了?2、I attended a charity activity during the summer holidays.暑假期间 , 我参加了一项慈善活动 。
3、We're renting a villa in the south of France for the summerholidays. 我们在法国南部租了一幢度暑假用的别墅 。4、Before we had our summer holidays, we had the final examination. 我们放暑假前 , 期终考试了 。
5、I just came back from Canada for Summer holidays. 我刚从加拿大回来过暑假 。

