英文煮粥怎么写( 二 )

然后我教你用煲的,这种方法比用电饭煲的味道好点,虽然电饭煲省事,但我还是建议你学一下真正的熬粥法 。
1、浸泡:煮粥前先将米用冷水浸泡半小时,让米粒膨胀开 。这样做的好处:a、熬起粥来节省时间;b、搅动时会顺着一个方向转;c、熬出的粥酥、口感好 。
2、开水下锅:大家的普遍共识都是冷水煮粥,而真正的行家里手却是用开水煮粥,为什么?你肯定有过冷水煮粥糊底的经验吧?开水下锅就不会有此现象,而且它比冷水熬粥更省时间 。
3、火候:先用大火煮开,再转文火即小火熬煮约30分钟 。别小看火的大小转换,粥的香味由此而出!
4、搅拌:原来我们煮粥之所间或搅拌,是为了怕粥糊底,现在没了冷水煮粥糊底的担忧,为什么还要搅呢?为了“出稠”,也就是让米粒颗颗饱满、粒粒酥稠 。搅拌的技巧是:开水下锅时搅几下,盖上锅盖至文火熬20分钟时,开始不停地搅动,一直持续约10分钟,到呈酥稠状出锅为止。
5、点油:煮粥还要放油?是的,粥改文火后约10分钟时点入少许色拉油,你会发现不光成品粥色泽鲜亮,而且入口别样鲜滑 。
6、底、料分煮:大多数人煮粥时习惯将所有的东西一股脑全倒进锅里,百年老粥店可不这样做 。粥底是粥底,料是料,分头煮的煮、焯的焯,最后再搁一块熬煮片刻,且绝不超过10分钟 。这样熬出的粥品清爽不浑浊,每样东西的味道都熬出来了又不串味 。特别是辅料为肉类及海鲜时,更应粥底和辅料分开 。
5.关于煮粥英语作文this is an introduction of how to cook meatball soup:First,boil some water in a pot.And during the time of this process,take out a bowl and make the ingredient.It contains vinegar,soy sauce,salt ,pepper.You can decide the quantity on your own taste.Then,chop half of a spring onion into small slices and also some caraway.Then,put them in the bowl.After the water is boiled,put the meatballs into the pot until they are floating on the water.And at last ,put the ingredients in the pot and sir them with a ladle for some minutes,then the soup is done.Now ,you can have a taste of this simple but delicious soup. 。
6.怎么煮粥(用英文)80字左右 急求GuiLian jujube congee: big jujube GuiYuanRou, lotus seed, 15 grams (core) every 15 grams, right amount, 100 grams of sugar japonica. Will japonica rice, big jujube, pot, add water lotus apply in together. Cooked with fire. Stay porridge, joined the boil until thick GuiYuanRou and moderate ice-sugar and cook for another moment. Serve. Efficacy: the parties have carambola dryness, sedative raise blood, runchang solid astringent, and can be used for the effect of two kui, qixue syndrone caused by insufficiency of the loss of appetite, aching, insomnia and have many dreams disease 。

