
1.以“拯救中国扬子鳄”为题写一篇80词的英语作文19th century, Chinese alligator-infested in the Yangtze River, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and Jiangsu Province, hi dig hole built on hills and Lake Creek gully river shallows, but this reptile was without water. It clumsiness slow on land, once into the water, but a duck. And this amphibious characteristics, resulting in the tragic fate of the alligator. Farmland, hills and vegetation in the shallows Chinese Alligator Point building was reclaimed to be a lot more damage, water storage capacity greatly reduced hills, drought and waterlogging occurs frequently, so Chinese alligator had to leave their caves, looking for a suitable habitat. This migration process has created opportunities for natural death and human hunting. Over the years a large number of Chinese alligators were hunted cave vandalism, bad or Taozou egg pounded. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is also greatly reduced the Alligator main food - the number of aquatic animals. Chinese alligator currently reduced to a narrow area distribution of Jiangxi, Anhui and Zhejiang provinces border.1970s a lot of protection. 1979 in Xuancheng Chinese Alligator Breeding Research Center was established in 1980 to establish a Chinese Alligator Nature Reserve. At the same time our people have carried out a series of protection of their actions, so that the number of Chinese alligators has increased. 1983 census found that only 500 the number of wild Chinese alligator. Census 1992 found that the number increased to 900 wild Chinese alligator. Chinese Alligator Breeding Research Center but also made outstanding achievements in recent years, has hatched baby crocodile 7000. This is very gratifying, artificial breeding of great success, created the conditions for the recovery of the number of Chinese alligators.Today, China has about 10,000 head or more in captivity alligator, Chinese alligator breeding centers mainly located in China Xuancheng City in Anhui, and many zoos. Since the 1970s, China's scientists onto the bumpy journey alligator artificial breeding, artificial incubation of crocodile eggs now, artificial breeding techniques have come crocodile population in the world. In their tireless efforts, the number of alligator from the initial construction field 170 to more than 4,000, and now every year the number of breeding in more than 1000, Chinese alligator has become the first approved by the Convention on International Trade can be a commodity development and utilization of Threatened Animals. 。
2.中国野生动物自然保护区及其保护的动物(英文)Snowy Owl, buzzard, osprey, sea turtle, pelican, red-crowned cranes, the leatherback turtle, elk, alligator, Procapra, Sable, Wolverine, tiger, snow leopard, wild ass Mongolia, Tibet, wild donkey, wild horses, wild camels, wild Yak Cattle, Procapra, high-nose antelopes, North goats, beaver; white stork, black stork, golden eagle, white shoulders and carving, jade belt sea eagle, white-tailed sea eagle, eagle Wu Hu, black-necked cranes, white crane, the Great Bustard, small bustard , The Houbara Bustard; four horsfieldi; big fish; Siberian tiger; Nycticebus. Asian elephants. Golden monkey.
(中文和英文是相对照的,你看标点就很清楚的 。)
3.宠物为题的英语作文第一个 。
扬子鳄俗称土龙,是中国惟一的鳄种 。仅产于长江下游一带,原来中国还有另外一种鳄即湾鳄,但早已灭绝,因此扬子鳄显得十分珍贵,已被列为一级保护动物 。
扬子鳄体长2米左右,重30-40公斤,背部为暗褐色带有*斑及条纹,腹部为灰白色,并有*小斑和横条 。尾部有灰黑相间的环纹,它的四肢粗短,在陆地上活动不是十分灵敏,水中游泳则十分敏捷,它的尾巴可作为攻击和自卫的武器 。