
1.汉译英大家好:“驾驭生活”译成英文从1楼的长篇大论中提取出两个信息: navigate your life control your life 应该说navigate更切合驾驭的意思,control的意思是控制,掌控,没有navigate那么自如的感觉 。
根据我自己的知识,还可以想到一个:master your life 运用上来说,navigate比较书面,口语中说这个就是“掉书袋”,老外最讨厌这样``不过考试的时候、书面使用的时候,这个就很讨好 。control和master,我也很难说哪个更地道 。
感觉上好像master更有主动驾驭的感觉吧`` 。
“ 驾驭”乃驱使车马行进;也指:使服从自己的意志而行动:“人生”意即:人的生存和生活;人生两件宝,双手与大脑 。所谓驾驭人生者,随性而言题目太大,感悟则因人而异 。
50年前的英雄形象,如今依然熠熠生辉!像一面宝鉴,象一钵金盆,更像试金石!人生犹如爬大山,人生犹如趟大河:核心价值观决定着自己的人生轨迹 。在历史的长河中,那些驾驭人生集大成的贤相良将,亘古不变的精忠报国心,宁为玉碎不为瓦全的崇高人生,流芳百世千古颂扬!鞠躬尽瘁死而后已的诸葛亮执法如山铁面无私的包拯,满门忠烈杨家将,忠孝两全岳家军;那才叫驾驭人生,让后人感悟,使后人激励奋进,大中华千古源远流长,风流人物美誉万年!
3.关于青春的诗英文翻译1. Youth is blue, like a far-reaching sky, like charming ocean.
Far-reaching and extensive, abound fantasy.
Youth is a green, like the green bamboo, like DiCui magnanimous grasslands.
Filled with infinite vitality and vigor.
Youth is red, like a burning flame, like the rising sun.
Vigorous, full of hope, let the light and warm selflessness and dedication.
Youth is like Snow White, like waves, BaiJie clouds like month, immaculate.
Like a white paper, such as writing words, love drawing the most beautiful drawing.
【驾驭人生英文怎么写】Youth is colorless. Like the wind infinite changes, like fog flowery charming.
Indulging it, regret lifelong; Handle it, brave the wind and waves.
Youth is color, have it, then have colorful life.
Youth is a beautiful poem, is a beautiful song.
Let us sincerely seize it, let flower blossom four seasons youth.
The clouds in the sky still hovering ?
Youth without hesitation, the flowers of ? ? CanRan open
Someone says ?
Cherish in the youth petals. Life albums
Maybe just ?
A pair of eyes can never forget ?
A seductive smile ? ?
I want to say ?
Youth light ?
In the rising ? will very bright
Youth flowers ?
Frost, snow and rain in experienced ? will yi yi is unripe brightness
The youth course ?
Constantly combat to compose magnificent chapter

