
1.湘绣 英语怎么说Hunan embroidery 湖南湘绣 作为中国四大名绣之一的湘绣,向来以历史悠久,工艺精湛,风格独特,品类繁多而闻名海内外 。
迄今为止发现的最早的湘绣制品,是长沙马王堆一号汉墓出土的一件丝织品,它所使用的针法与现代湘绣所差无几,说明早在两千多年前的汉代,湘绣工艺就已经产生了 。此后经过漫长的发展,湘绣逐渐将国画的传统特点引入其中,从而形成了自身的独特风格 。
至清末民初(20世纪初期),湘绣的发展达到鼎盛时期,甚至超越了苏绣,在中国刺绣业独占鳌头 。新中国成立后,湘绣工作者在继承传统的基础上,一改过去偏重于单面绣的工艺风格,致力于发展双面绣工艺,同时又创造出难度极大的“双面全异绣”,使湘绣艺术提高到一个崭新的水平 。
【绣绣吧英文怎么写】 湘绣主要以纯丝、硬缎、软缎、透明纱、尼纶等为原料,配以各色的丝线、绒线绣制而成 。它以中国画为神,充分发挥针法的表现力,达到构图严谨,形象逼真,色彩鲜明,质感强烈,形神兼备的艺术境界 。
绣品中既有名贵的欣赏艺术品,也有美观适用的日用品 。湘绣曾多次参加了在日本、巴拿马、美国等地举办的国际博览会,并屡次获得大奖,在国际市场上享有很高声誉 。
Hunan Xiang Embroidery Xiang embroidery, one of the Four Great Embroideries in China (the four schools are embroidery respectively of Suzhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Hunan), is world famous for its exquisite technics, unique features and long history. Xiang is the shortened form for Hunan Province. Archeologists have discovered finely embroidered silk items in Changsha Mawangdui Han Toms (206BC-220AD), indicating that more than 2,000 years ago Xiang embroidery craftwork had emerged. During the long process of development, Xiang embroidery adopted the techniques used in traditional Chinese painting and formed its own unique style. By the end of the Qing Dynasty (the early 20th century), the technics of Xiang embroidery reached its peak and even took the leading position, surpassing Su embroidery. Xiang embroidery is famous for its tiger patterns. Xiang embroidery's unique techniques are generally based on Chinese painting, although it also includes techniques of engraving, calligraphy, and embroidery. This combination of techniques produced a new and unique embroidery product, double-faced and with different images and colors on each side of a transparent chiffon, greatly uplifting the artistic value of Xiang embroidery. The main threads used include pure silk, satin, transparent gauze and nylon, etc.Xiang embroidery has not only highly valued artistic crafts, but also slinky and practical commodities. It has won many awards at several international expositions held in Japan, Panama and the US, enjoying high reputation in the international market. 。
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