
1.衣帽间的英语,还有一些洁具的英语怎么写,例如:马桶,淋浴间,【衣帽间英语怎么写】衣帽间 [yī mào jiān]
cloakroom; locker room; checkroom; coatroom
衣帽间服务员 cloak man;
衣帽间女服务员 cloak woman
艺术盆:Art counter basin (artistic basin) 台上安装:Above counter mounting 挂盆:Wall-hung basin
挂式安装:Wall-hung installation 纸盅:paper holder 毛巾架:towel rack 皂盅:Soap holder 小便斗:urinal 拖布池:Mop tub 洗菜盆:Sink
不锈钢盆:Stainless steel sink
浴室小挂件:Wall-hung accessories for bathroom 浮雕彩金座便器:Decorated bathroom set 橱柜:Cabinet 主柜:Main cabinet 侧柜:Side cabinet
玻璃盆带柜子:Glass basin with cabinet 马桶坐盖:toilet seat cover 坐头:toilet bowl 水箱:tank
水箱配件:Tank fitting
环保型节水功能:Environmental protection & water economy
电子隧道窑: Computer automatic tunnel kiln 直冲式连体坐便器:Wash down one piece closet (toilet)
瓷质陶瓷:Vitreous china
排污中心离墙(地排,直排):S-trap 排污中心离地(横排):P-trap
(虹吸式)连体坐便器:(Siphonic) one piece closet 分体坐便器:Separated closet/ two piece toilet 立柱盆:Pedestal basin
背靠墙安装:Fixing with back to wall 柜盆:Counter basin
台下盆:below counter basin 台下安装:Fixing below counter 台上盆:Above counter basin 妇洗器/净身盆:Bidet 洗脚盆:Foot bath
挂式小便器:Wall-hung urinal
顶部冲水安装:Top flushing installation 蹲便盆:Squatting pan 入地式脚踏板:Built-in pedal 淋浴屏:Shower panel
2.衣柜用英语怎么读wardrobe英 ['w??dr??b] 美 [?w?rd?rob] n. 衣柜;行头;全部戏装短语Wardrobe basics 衣橱篇wardrobe malfunction 服装故障 ; 走光 ; 衣橱故障 ; 着装不当Baby wardrobe 婴儿衣柜 ; 婴孩衣橱 ; 宝宝的衣橱例句I stick them on my wardrobe And stick them on my head. 我把它们贴在我的衣柜上,我还把它们贴在我的头上 。
扩展资料近义词1、bureau英 ['bj??r??] 美 ['bj?ro] n. 局,处;衣柜;办公桌n. (Bureau)人名;(法)比罗短语Development Bureau 发展局credit bureau 商业兴信所 ; 信用局 ; 贸易兴信所 ; 征信机构Tax Bureau [税收] 税务局 ; 中国地税2、chest of drawersn. 衣柜;五斗柜短语chest of drawers 五斗橱 ; 多屉橱柜chest of drawers commode 五斗橱Malm chest of drawers 五斗衣柜 。
3.美国和英国在英语写法上不同的单词有哪些汉/英/美飞机 aeroplane/ airplane 航空邮件 air-post/ air-mail 对……(人)生气 angry with/ angry at 垃圾箱 ash-bin (dust-bin) /ashcan 秋 autumn /fall 面包店 bakery /bakehouse 纸币 (bank-)note/ (bank-)bill 理发厅 barber's shop/ barber shop 浴盆 bath /bathtub 浴室 bathroom/ bath 寝具 bedclothes/ covers 饼干 biscuit /cracker 百叶窗 blind /shade 公寓 block of flats /apartment house 宿舍 boarding house/ dormitory 预约 booking/ reservation 售票处 booking-office/ ticket-office 长筒鞋 boot/ shoe 圆顶黑色高帽 bowler/ derby 裤子的吊带 braces /suspenders 小憩时间 break /recess 中途下车 break one's journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布 calico/ printed cloth 旅行队,篷车 caravan/ trailer 客车 carriage /coach 游览车 charabanc /sightseeing bus 药局 chemist's shop /drugstore 支票 cheque /check 衣柜 chest-drawers/ bureau 教名 Christian name/ first name 电影院 cinema /picture house 寄物处,衣帽间 cloakroom /checkroom 光头 close crop/ crew out 衣夹 clothes-peg/ clothes-pin 公共汽车 coach/ bus 雄鸡 cock/ rooster 棺材 coffin /casket 魔术师 conjuror/ magician 蒸汽锅 cooker /stove 谷物 corn /grain 棍棒 cosh/ blackjack 领带 cravat /(neck)tie 十字路口 cross-roads/ intersection 碗柜 cupboard/ closet 窗帘 curtain /drape 煎报 cutting /clipping 骑自行车的人 cyclist /cycler 舞厅 dancing saloon/ dance ball 死者,故人 deceased/ decedent 无尾礼服 dinner-jacket /tuxedo 抹布 dish-cloth /dish towel 老资格,老前辈 doyen /dean 绸缎店 draper's shop /dry-goods store 西洋象棋 draughts /checkers 客厅 drawing room/ parlor 睡衣 dressing-gown /bathrobe 酒类饮料 drink /liquor 偶然拜访 drop in/ drop by 垃圾箱 dust-bin /ashcan 公司的休憩时间 elevenses /coffee break 雇佣 engage/ hire 机车,车头 engine /locomotive 过分 excessively/ overly 快递 express delivery post/ special delivery mail 战争 fighting/ combat 消防队 fire-brigade/ fire-department 二楼 first floor/ second floor 鱼类,海味 fish /sea food 鱼贩 fish-monger/ fish-dealer 花线,皮线 flex /electric cord 人行道 footway /side walk 空格表 form /blank 二星期 fortnight /two weeks 句点 full stop/ period 橡皮套鞋 galoshes/ rubbers 监狱 gaol/ jail 再见 good-bye/ good-by 货车 goods train/ freight train 卡车 goods waggon /freight car 食品杂货店 grocer's shop/ grocery store 一楼 ground floor /first floor 车掌 guard /conductor 长筒橡皮套鞋 overshoes /gum boots 大炮 cannon/ gun 争价,还价 haggle/ dicker 一半 half a / a half 门厅,回廊 hall/ hallway 长筒靴 high boot/ boot 休假 holiday /vacation 旅馆的侍者 hotel page/ bellboy 有病的 ill /sick 旅馆主人 innkeeper /innholder 演出休息时间 interval/ intermission 铁器店 ironmonger's/ hardware store 水罐 jug /pitcher 街道的边石 kerb/ curb 邮票,印花税票 label /sticker 标签 label/ tag 化妆室 ladies' cloakroom /powder room 地崩,山崩 landslip /landslide 厕所 lavatory/ washroom 电梯,升降机 lift /elevator 铁路 line/ road 寄宿者 lodger /roomer 卡车 lorry /truck 西装 lounge suit /sack coat 行李 luggage /baggage 主要街道,大路 main road /highway 玉米 maize /corn 汽车 (motor)car /auto(mobile) 市政厅 municipal office /city hall 音乐厅,演艺馆 music hall/ variety house 棉布 muslin /calico 零 naught, nought zero 通讯社 news-agent/ news-dealer 单据夹 note-case /billfold 告示 notice/ bulletin 校友 lod boys (girls)/ alumni 大衣,外套 overcoat/ topcoat (纸牌的)一组 pack (of cards) /deck 内裤,短裤 pants /shorts 小包,包裹 parcel /package 挂布 pelmet/ valance 婴儿车 perambulator/ pram baby carriage 也许 perhaps /maybe 汽油 petrol/ gasoline 电影 pictures/ movies 邮筒 pillar-box /letter-box (电器)接头 point /outlet 转辙手 pointman /switchman 职业的 professional /career 公共电话 public call-box/ pay station 酒馆,酒店 public house /tavern (车胎等)爆坏 puncture /become flat 钱包,皮夹 purse/ pocket-book 睡衣 pyjamas/ pajamas 赛马场 race course /racetrack 铁路 railway/ railroad 火车站 railway station /depot 电冰箱 refrigerator/ icebox 来回车票 return ticket /round-trip ticket 挂断电话 ring off/ hang up 打电话 ring up/ call 人行道 roadway/ pavement 圆环 roundabout rotary, traffic circle 垃圾堆 rubbish-heap/ trash heap 围毯 rug/ robe 解雇 sack fire 大麦饼 scone/ biscuit 海 sea/ ocean 定期票,长期票 seaon ticket /commutation ticket 抵押 security/ collateral 鞋子 shoe/ oxford 擦皮鞋 shoe-black /boot-black 商店 shop /store 店员 shop assistant/ clerk 女店员 sjpp-girl /salesgirl 颊发 side-shiskers/ sideburns 单程车票 single ticket/ one-way ticket 地基,地点 site/ lot 枕木 sleepers /crossties 袜带 suspenders /garters 律师 solicitor/ lawyer 螺丝起子 spanner/ wrench 眼镜 spectacles /eyeglasses 毕业典礼 speech day /commencement 教员 staff /faculty 公立学校 state school /public school 停留 stay。