
1.用英语介绍可乐鸡翅的做法用料:鸡翅(5 爱问【烤鸡翅用英语怎么写】the materials:chicken wings(500grams),coke(half a can ),shallot(a piece ),ginger(a piece ),sault,dark soy sauce,cooking winethe practice:1 。
chicen wings cleaned,shallot and ginger cut into slices 。2 。
water in the pot boiled,put chicken wings into the pot and get out them until boiled again,drain the water 。3 。
put a litter edible oil into the pot and heat up them,then put the chicken wings until both sides a bit yellow 。4 。
pour coke ,dark soy sauce,add shallot ginger and cooking wine,after boil them ,reduce the heat control until sauce thickened第一条中的单词是chicken啊 。拼错了 。

