
1.英文日志怎样写Hum~~~It's late at mid-night and i can't fall asleep.Er..At the moment i want to say something about what's on my mind.Would you like to be my listener?Alright~~~Let me start now. I was born on 25th,November,in 1992.I'm a teenager,but in a way,i prefer being an innocent and childish kid.- Once upon a time,a stranger on the Internet who came to my Q-Zone said that she was surprised at me.She couldn't believe my real age.She also said that what amazed her most is my thought.I'm puzzled,too.As a young kid or boy,why can't I have my own free thoughts and minds in my teens,especially in this mysterious world? - Sometimes i wonder what my real happiness is.I've been in search of its true meaning for a long time since the day i seemed to disappear in your sights.But it's so hard for me to disclose its veil 。
- What's wrong with me after all? I feel depressed and have a strange sense of being a little sad.I drown my tiny depression in pretending to be happy.I see myself smile stiffly unexpectedly.Did i lose my rhythm? If so,i don't wanna lose anything else.I get nothing left to prove that i'm able to get a convncing result.I ain't the same no more.Staring at these four walls again,i think fault isn't my reason for escaping from my lonely soul,although i always say"I keep believing that everthing happens for a reason" I'm looking for the previous inconnect boy,that is me in the past.What a happy and humours boy! I didn't know love,but i knew how to share my happiness with some good friends around me.But everything has changed without being noticed since 9th,November,in 2008.Did the god play tricks on me? The god as if said to me,“Let me show you the way,it's the game that we play”.The god made me have a crush on a girl of Senior 2.Fancy my falling in love with her wrongly!We started our love sweetly.But in the end she told me that the promise was the momentary lie.Just like this momentary lie,we ended up our love without an apology.I don't wanna spend all my life thinking what could've been like.It can tear me up,so i chose to forget it.As the case stands,i should've been cleverer,right? I'll never let those sweet memories crowd in,so on that day,i wrote down: - Now I know the tears won't relieve the loneliness.Maybe when time goes by,I'll understand.Let's pretend that I've moved on.I'll tell myself that life goes on without you.Open my eyes and look deep inside.I run away.Ah 。That's just a former memory of my life,i won't be affected any more.- I ever thought the world was perfect,nobody would like to show the lachrymation.But it is different from what i imagined.I close my eyes,and dream of coming back to my foretime.Somehow I'll cry sometimes at mid-night stealthily.Because quiet moment can remind me of former things though the past has vanished from memory like wind.I used to pretend that i didn't see the light that was shining through.I couldn't believe that I'd been a fool again.I was once labelled a funny boy because of my humor.But it seemed that i would carry the joke too far.Once I lost my direction of life.Time and time again i asked myself where i was,who i was,what my real soul was 。
I was intensely afraid of being a swindler by having told too many lies with my inattentiveness.But i swear that i wasn't intentional at all.I wanna be the inconnect boy!So i do!To my joy,i succeeded making it a matter for rejoicing. - Ah 。I should be a happy-go-lucky kid in fact!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……-. I take it for granted that i have my rhythm.I don't wanna copy anyone else's miracle.I just like my own style and individuality! I'm supposed to be of self-motivation!Right?Haha 。
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd,you're gonna hear my voice when i shout it out aloud! Right now it's my whoop,can you hear me?Life is so cool !Sunshine is as bright as i wish to be!Nothing's gonna change my fervency for my beautiful life! -Ain't no way can they stop me now,cause I'm on my way.I can feel my ring coming.I'ma get what I can and more, even if my blood, my sweat, and my tears don't mean nothing.It's the heart of a champion in me. I'm still who I am ! - Happy Little Wheel,go~~~~~~~- Oh!Look!The happiness is coming 。..- From today on i can't deny the duty of mine,from today i will make hairstyle shine.I am running~~~ 。