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2.论文英文摘要怎么写Local the Party paper as major media of locality , transmit party and country , Party committee of a higher level , voice of government, transmit local Party Committee and government specially in the Central Party Committee of implementation , the Party committee of a higher level and government's great principles and policies concrete measure, there are guidance and authoritativeness that other medias can't compare , so often become the focus that local audiences pay close attention to. But enter after the socialist market economy, journalism structure of our country take place a obvious one, enough to influence local the Party paper change , news report of result. Journalism has already developed into much varieties taking the Party paper as the centre, multi-level three-dimensional structure from a structure of party's declaration form, the newspaper in evening paper , city newspaper , life newspaper , specialized newspaper ,etc. doubles and redoubles, the network, this kind of new combining a large amount of transmission information fast of media of short information of cell phone at the same time, the foreign media enters the native country and seizes the market of native country. This kind of change and growth make audiences choose the information channel of the news to increase, the degree of freedom increases day by day. So local the Party paper irreplaceable status , news of information issue receive the severe challenge. So how strengthen local key competitiveness of the Party paper new period, become we want problem that solve urgently. Focus on this question to describe from content , form of the news report , journalists , reader's marriage partner and these five respects of market mechanism of the news report, is it can prove our country now local state of development of the Party paper and predicament that run into and for strengthen key competitiveness should what kind of efforts does it make to expect. Keyword: Local the Party paper; Core; Competitiveness ; Market; Readability; Affinity 。
3.论文摘要怎么翻译成英文摘要~~~The word euphemism Euphemism is Greek, comes from the Greek prefix eu=well and root pheme=speaking. Euphemism is rather a social linguistic phenomenon, be inferior to saying is a kind of cultural phenomenon. Language is the carrier of thought, is the epitome of social culture. As a language tool, euphemism is rich in cultural connotations, carrying the social structure, the national psychology, religious culture and other aspects of a nation. However, Chinese and English belong to two completely different style of the language, its background, culture, customs and other aspects of thinking, there exist various differences. Therefore, in both English and Chinese Euphemisms in also exist certain differences.