考研请假条怎么写( 二 )

m 。or you can call me at any time 。
4.请大家提供一下准假条的基本格式,有模板最好,实在是不知道应该怎【考研请假条怎么写】互帮互助,众人拾柴火焰高 。
哈哈 Certificate This is to certify that Mr 。xxxxxx has been working with xxxxxx 。
since xxxx 。At present he works in xxxxxxxxxx 。
His duty is Legal specialist 。During the period ofxxxxxxxx, the sum of his total income is about xxxxxxxx RMB annually 。
Mr 。xxxxxx has been approved his leave for traveling plan of New Zealand on xxxxxxxxxx 。
His position and salary will be kept till his coming back from traveling 。All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself 。
General Manager: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 。
5.如何向单位请假各位,大考在即,没有脱产的考友该想办法向单位请假了 。如果能在合法的范围内得到2-3个月的假期,也许是可以改变你的命运的 。本人在外企和国企从事人事管理多年,从劳动制度和个人经验方面给考友们出几个点子:
1 。平时加班积假 。和部门主管搞好关系让他多批你一些“加班” 。比如节假日留守之类的差事,一天可以换两天补休 。
2 。劳动法规定,亲属(父母/妻子)户籍在外埠者每年有30天探亲假 。
3 。婚丧,事假都是可以利用的 。
4 。工伤,慢性病均享受带薪假 。
5 。外企每年有带薪年假 。
6 。国企和有些外企允许职工请假参加培训,进修和复习考研 。

