3.有没有专业人士知道英文审稿意见怎么写At a first glance, this short manuscript seems an interesting piece of
work, reporting on ***. Fine, good quality, but all this has been done and published, and nearly become a well-known phenomenon. Therefore, there is insufficient novelty or significance to meet publication criteria. Also, I did not see any expermental evidence how the ** is related with **, except for the hand-waving qualitative discussion. Therefore, I cannot support its publication in JPD in its present form. It should be rejected.
建议去小木虫问问 , 那里有一些资源 。
如何学习审稿专家学者为什么愿意拿出大量的时间审稿呢?为期刊审稿是义务 , 也是一份荣耀 , 更是自我价值的实现 , 那就是为进步做出了一份贡献 。审稿人都是志愿提供服务而不计报酬 。当然 , 通过审稿还会得到其他好处 , (1)首先是精神上的收获 , 能够增加科学知识 , 体验科学交流和论争的乐趣;(2)最新的研究进展在发表之前就有机会看到(不亦快哉!);(3)通过对照其他审稿人的评论和编辑的稿件处理意见 , 可提高自己的审稿技能;(4)通过发现论文中的错误 , 可以学习如何写出更有竞争力的稿件;(5)会得到编辑的尊敬 , 甚或有机会被邀请加入学会或编委会;例如美国呼吸与危重监护杂志(AJRCCM)编委会的任命 , 就是完全根据审稿人的审稿是否中肯、严谨、及时 。一个优秀的审稿人又有什么特征呢?Black等曾对英国杂志(BMJ)的审稿人进行过评价 , 其目的是想明确高水平审稿人的特征 , 特别是在审稿花费时间和审回时间方面 。他们对BMJ的420份稿件的审稿人进行了调查 , 2位编辑和稿件的责任作者对审稿质量进行独立评估 。结果编辑和论文作者的评估都显示 , 经过流行病学或统计学培训是提供高质量评阅的审稿人的唯一显著性相关因素 。在编辑的质量评估中 , 年轻是高质量评阅的独立预测因素 。评审花费的时间与审稿质量的提高相关 , 但超过3小时则无更大意义 。通常认为 , 正在从事研究工作的人员、拥有学术职位者、科研资助团体成员 , 应该会提供更高质量的审稿 , 但令人意外的是 , 这项研究并没有发现审稿质量与
5.关于对英语课提意见与希望的英语作文I think it's very necessary to improve our English.I'd like to offer some suggestions.First of all,I think an English class should be both interesting and meaningful.Once students feel relaxed,they will learn English much better.Teachers may tell us jokes in English,by which we can improve our listening.Then teachers can also ask us to repeat the jokes,so it will help us with our oral English,too.Secondly,I think we should also spend some time watching English movies or learning to sing English songs.I think English movies are full of fun and good sentences,it will help us both speak better and write much better.English songs are popular,it's always great to do popular things.I hope we can have much more fun learning English. 。
Dear President,
I am a student of Class Seven, Grade Two of our school. I am writing to share some advices with you. We all know that study is the most important task for senior students, so it's necessary for us to spend most of our time in study. However, proper rest is necessary for us as well. But in our school, we only have a short night to rest, which I think it's not good to us. I did a survey in our school that collect the ideas about having a longer rest every week. Almost all students say that they need more time to rest and relax. Therefore, according the opinions of our students, I would like to advise that set an afternoon and a night for students to have a good rest. Proper rest can help students focus on study better. I will be more than happy that you could accept the suggestion.
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