网购的英语单词怎么写( 二 )

The other is C2C, in the form of customer customers (such as Taobao, eBay).
Online shopping is convenient, fast, relatively inexpensive price advantages.
At the same time as network security, as well as businesses affected by factors such as credibility, online shopping damage to the interests of the incidents have been occurring frequently.
States also developed the appropriate laws and regulations.
In order to ensure the safety of shopping and safeguard the rights and interests of shoppers, shopping site, for example, has taken data encryption, third party payment.
互联网、银行、现代物流业发展的产物,通过Internet的购物网站购买自己需要的商品或者服务 。
另一种是C2C,即顾客对顾客的形式(如淘宝网、易趣) 。
网上购物具有方便、快捷、价格相对便宜等优点 。
同时由于网络安全以及商家信誉等因素影响,网上购物者的权益受到损害的事件时有发生 。
各国也制定了相应的法律法规 。
为了保证购物的安全,维护购物者的权益,购物网站采取了譬如数据加密、第三方支付、货到付款等措施 。

