理赔业绩怎么写( 六 )

当月工 。
Main Achievements;main achievement;Achievement
通过对造纸业上市公司主要业绩指标的分析、比较和研究 , 提出企业兴衰发展的规律 。
The laws of the rise and decline in enterprise development are advanced through analysis, comparison and research of the major performance indices of the listed companies in paper industry.
生产车间执行的是与产量、质量等主要业绩指标挂钩的质量等级计件工资制 。
The quality rank piecework wage system which means wage depends on the key performance indication, such as output, quality and so on, was carried out in the production workshop.
介绍了新闻纸、文化用纸和包装用纸上市公司2001年的主要业绩并对其发展前景作了分析 。
The paper introduces the achievements of listed companies of pulp and paper industry in2001 and analyzes their prospect.

