
1.各种文具用英语怎么说统称叫sationary, 如果是一个学期需要用的东西的全部叫: school supplies.
铅笔 pencil
橡皮 eraser
尺 ruler
铅笔刀 pencil sharpener
练习本 exercise book
铅笔盒 pencil box
圆珠笔 ball point pen
彩色水笔 color felt pen
蜡笔 crayon
2.文具盒用英语怎么说文具盒翻译成英语是:pencil box 。
英 [?pensl] 美 [?p?ns?l]
n.铅笔,彩色铅笔,笔状物,画风,画法,[物]光线锥 。
vt.用铅笔写,用画笔画 。
例句:You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil 。
你的铅笔差点戳了我的眼睛 。
英 [b?ks] 美 [bɑ:ks]
n.盒,箱状物,包厢,哨房 。
vt.把…装入盒[箱,匣]中 。
vt.& vi.拳击 。
例句:Do you watch it live at all or do you watch it on the box?
pencil 的用法:
1、作为名词,为普通名词 。可在句子中做主语以及宾语等 。其复数形式为pencils,在pencil后直接加s即可 。
2、作为动词,为实意动词,在句子中做谓语 。
1、He penciled his name on a piece of paper 。他把自己的名字写到了纸上 。
2、This pencil is mine 。这是我的铅笔 。
3、Thispencil's blunt !这支铅笔不尖了!
1、I have 5 pencils 。我有5枝铅笔 。
2、I'll get apenciland paper 。我去拿铅笔和纸 。
3、I use a stypticpencilon shaving cuts 。我用止血笔处理刮胡子割破的伤口 。
3.所有文具的英语怎么写1 尺子 rule 2 计算尺slide rule 3 钢笔 pen 4 圆珠笔 ball point pen 5 自来水笔(fountain) pen 6 光笔highlighter 7 头笔permanent marker 8 水性笔roller ball pen 9 白板笔whiteboard marker 10 铅笔 pencil 11 自动铅笔propelling pencil 12 蜡笔crayon 13 计算器 calculator 14 圆规 compasses 15 三角板 set square 16 量角器 protractor 17 复读机 repeater 18 文具盒 writing case 19 橡皮擦 rubber, eraser 20 教科书 textbook 21 练习册 exercise book 22 黑板blackboard 23 粉笔(a piece of) chalk 24 石板笔slate pencil 25 课本text book 26 参考书 reference book 27 百科全书encyclopedia 28 地图集atlas 29 练习本exercise book 30 草稿本rough not book 31 吸墨纸blotting paper 32 描图纸tracing paper 33 坐标纸squared paper, graph paper 34 地球仪globe 35 挂图wall map 36 轮廓图,示意图skeleton map 37 铅笔盒pencil case 38 耳机earphone 39 字典;词典 dictionary 40 文件夹 paper file;folder 41 卷笔刀,转笔刀pencil sharpener 42 墨水 ink 43 墨水池inkwell 。
4.英语短文我的文具盒里有什么怎么写I have a beautiful red pencil-box with three pens, two pencils, a rubber and two rulers. Every morning before I goto school I put it into my backpack. In class I take it out to write with pens or pencils. If I make some mistakes, I use my rubber to erase the wrong words. When I do maths, I use my lovely ruler. Everything in my pencil-box is useful. I love my beautiful and useful pencil-box.
我有一个好看的红色铅笔盒,里面有三支钢笔,两支铅笔,一块橡皮和两把尺子 。每天早上,在我上学之前,我把它放进双肩背包里 。课堂上我把它拿出来,用钢笔或铅笔写字 。如果我写错了,我就用橡皮把写错的字擦掉 。当我做算术时,我会使用可爱的尺子 。我的铅笔盒里的一切都是那么有用,我喜爱我的又漂亮又有用的铅笔盒 。
My Writing case a year ago my mother bought me, although it has the "old", but I still treasure it. My Writing case not only looks beautiful and very large role. Writing case for me to learn to use, but under this huge box, but also "hide" the four little wheels, so long as the writing case a little push, it can move forward smoothly drove. Because it is relatively long, plus the following as "passengers" who start to get off, help me learn.