3400用英语怎么写( 二 )

1. prefer + 名词/动名词/不定式例:I prefer some apples. / I preferhaving(to have) some apples. 我更喜欢吃苹果 。2. prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事例:My daddy prefers me not to swimin that river because it's too dangerous. 我爸爸宁愿我不要去那条河里游泳因为那太危险了 。
3. prefer A to B 在 A 和 B 中更喜欢 A例:I prefer green tea to coffee. 绿茶和咖啡比较起来我更喜欢绿茶 。I prefercooking myself to eating out. 我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃 。
注意:注意这个用法中肯定的是前者,A和B必须在形式上保持一致,即要么都是名词,要么都是动名词 。没有使用不定式的用法 。
4. prefer to do something rather than。这个用法类似于用法3,不过rather than后面可以是不定式、名词、动名词或动词原形 。
例:I prefer to stay at home ratherthan go out in the heavy rain. 我宁愿呆在家里也不想冒这么大的雨出去 。注意:这里 rather than 后面可以用 goingout或to go out 都可以 。
而且rather than 也可以放在句子开头:Rather than go out in the heavyrain, I prefer to stay at home.5. 宾语从句prefer that 宾语从句中常用虚拟语 。
2.写出下列数字的英文写法1. seven thousand and thirty-six 2. one thousand nine hundred forty-nine
3. three thousand seven hundred and sixty 4. eight thousand two hundred and forty-five
5. nine hundred and ninety-eight 6. Three thousand and seventy-six
7. two thousand and eight 8. two thousand and ten
9. ten thousand 10. three thousand four hundred

