
1.关于怎样计划大学生活的英文作文After entering the University, I am surprised to find, high school and university life has many different. In high school, we always rely on parents and teachers tosolve all the problems, but in the University, in any case, we have to rely on their own. More importantly, we must also learn how to do deal with classmates and roommates relationship. Four years university time is very important, but it is also very short, so we always hope they can quickly integrate into one, but not everyone can do, here is a little of my advice.
The first to be familiar with the main buildings within the campus, and studentsspend one to two hours in the campus walk, familiar with the local library, acanteen, post office, school and classroom and other important hospital. Next, try to self-reliance. Learn to make their own decisions, to arrange how to use ourtime, how to plan your expenses and so on, but also learn to wash their clothes.Furthermore, to develop good study habits, through the exchange of students andto learn from each other. Finally, to actively participate in various activities, let oneself become lively and outgoing, and friendly classmates.
进入大学之后,我惊喜的发现,高中和大学生活有许多不同 。在高中,我们总是依靠父母和老师来解决所有的难题,但是在大学,无论如何,我们都不得不靠自己 。更重要的是,我们还必须学习如何同同学和室友么处理好关系 。四年的大学时光很重要,但也是很短暂的,所以我们总是希望自己能快速融入其中,但不是每个人都能轻松做到,这里是我的一点建议 。
首先要熟悉校园内的主要建筑,和同学花一到两个小时在校园中走一走,熟悉一下图书馆、食堂、邮局、校医院和教室等比较重要的地方 。接下来,要尽量自立 。学会自己做决定,学会安排如何利用自己的时间,如何规划自己的花销等等,还要学会自己洗衣服 。再者,要养成良好的学习习惯,通过和同学交流来相互学习 。最后,要积极参加各类活动,让自己变得活泼外向,和同学们友好相处 。
2.写一篇英语的生活计划的短文六句话就行i will get up early and do some exercise.after that ,i will prepare breakfast for my parents.and then i will go to library to study,i will have a movie after that and taking shower,is a good way to relax,go to bed early is good for health ,i will do that 不是百度来的哦,完全自己打的,采纳吧 。
3.写一篇英语的生活计划的短文六句话就行【生活计划怎么写英文版】i will get up early and do some exercise.after that ,i will prepare breakfast for my parents.and then i will go to library to study,i will have a movie after that and taking shower,is a good way to relax,go to bed early is good for health ,i will do that 不是百度来的哦,完全自己打的,采纳吧 。
4.《新学期的学习生活计划》英文1.早上起床后,听英语磁带,读英语书,或背数学概念,(养成早睡早起的好习惯) 。
2.放学后立刻回家,不能贪玩 。3.每天除了完成老师布置的作业,还要做一些其它的练习,而且作业要干净,字迹要工整 。
4.平常不看电视,周末可以看一些对少儿有益的电视节目,多看书看报,了解课外知识和国家大事 。5.尽量每三天写一篇作文,多向报社投稿,提高写作水平 。
6.周六和家人一起去活动中心,打打球,踢踢毽子,运动运动 。7.认真对待每一项科目、每一次考试,争取在大考小考中都能取得好成绩 。
8.上课专心听讲,下课文明活动,争做“五好小公民” 。9.假期上网不要光玩儿游戏,要合理利用电脑,用它来查资料、了解信息等,让它成为我学习的好帮手 。
10.不能受外界的影响,把精力用在学习上,不做坏事,多为别人着想 。11.平时不浪费粮食、水电,不乱花钱,和同学建立友谊 。