绿色北京建言怎么写( 六 )

市民朋友们,为了绿色地球,为了我们自己,为了子孙后代,为了美好明天,作为二十一世纪社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,有义务、有责任保护我们的地球,我们必须立即行动起来,制止“白色污染”,拒绝塑料制品,使用可降解产品,共同美化我们赖依生存的空间 。为此,我倡议:
1、正确认识“白色污染”的危害 。塑料是高分子聚合物,极难降解,需100至300年才能分解,污染公害极大:①破坏环境,影响景观 。②化学污染,危害人体健康 。③土壤板结,影响农作物生长 。④遗弃山野、水泊,危及动物生存 。
2、不用一次性塑料制品,提倡使用可降解环保用品,让一次性塑料制品,像“过街老鼠”,无人问津 。开展垃圾分类回收,有效控制日常生活中产生的污染 。真正用环保标准指导自己的一言一行,做一个合格的二十一世纪公民 。
3、人人都是环境天使,做绿色宣传员,利用自身优势,广泛宣传一次性塑料制品的危害,用我们的实际行动影响身边的人,不断改良我们周围的生态环境,做到人人讲“绿色”,个个爱“绿色” 。
朋友们!为了山,为了水,为了空气,为了森林,为了我们共同生存的生态环境,让我们携起手来,从我做起,从现在做起 。我相信只要我们都参与过来,“白色污染”一定会离我们越来越远,最终一定会彻底根除 。
8.办好冬奥会建言献策办好2022年北京冬奥会,是我们对国际奥林匹克大家庭的庄严承诺,也是实施京津冀协同发展战略的重要举措 。
要坚持绿色办奥,提升全社会环保意识,加强环境治理和污染防控,把绿色发展理念贯穿筹办工作始终 。坚持共享办奥,积极调动社会力量参与办奥,提高城市管理水平和社会文明程度,加快冰雪运动发展和普及,使广大人民群众受益 。
坚持开放办奥,借鉴北京奥运会和其他国家办赛经验,弘扬奥林匹克精神,加强中外体育交流,推动东西文明交融,展示中国良好形象 。坚持廉洁办奥,严格预算管理,控制办奥成本,强化过程监督,让冬奥会像冰雪一样纯洁干净 。
要加强组织领导,统筹推进各项工作,确保把北京冬奥会办成一届精彩、非凡、卓越的奥运盛会 。
9.请你写一份倡议书,描述北京,建议人们为了保护环境和生命安全,(A)Environmental proposalsMayor uncle:I was an elementary school pupils Huaqiang.I grew up grew up in Nanning, Nanning is how to change, I have seen. From an unknown city into a green city China, carried out Folk Song Festival, CAEXPO。
。Now in Nanning, everywhere you can see the "environmental protection is everyone's responsibility." And so forth. In the side of the road, a variety of trash beautiful. Recently, we have advocated the recyclable and non-recyclable trash separate.However, I think there are categories of light is not enough, to write some of the recyclable trash on a class of non-recyclable garbage and waste of a class type, not everyone wants us to accept as much knowledge to know what is recyclable and what is not recycled garbage, like those migrant workers, they do not know, will throw together, but this is not good. Not only to achieve environmental protection and the role of garbage, but will dump the staff who work to bring trouble.In addition, I also found a very serious problem.One day, my mother and grandmother still sit with the bus, you want to go to martyrs cemetery grave. The beginning we are very happy to go out ah, but when we went to the bus when the bus stop and found next to a trash can, which has smelly garbage, and passing pedestrians have five of the nose around to go, we go over time for a very rancid smell an odor.Later, I visited the place, where there are trash, I have carefully observed the smell. After a period of observation, I discovered that the trash is now fixed, and is not the kind of waste can be poured out, but why would smell it? ? Later I realized it was because the trash is fixed, sanitation workers who clean the trash the morning, when, simply pick out the surface of the waste, the Department does not clean up in the end. One time, I ask them why they do not clean up the garbage? They say do not want to, because trash is fixed, so the hand can not out into the bottom of garbage can not fall out, so we can only refuse to stay in it.Thus, smelly trash, not because of sanitation workers are not responsible, but because the design of the trash problem. I hope, to the beauty of Nanning, to fresh air, designed to please the mayor uncle telling people some both practical, good-looking in the trash, do not let those who pollute our fresh smell to the air. 。