
It is too Inconvenient ! 这太不方便了!中文拼音:in ko men te
It is too Annoying ! 这太烦人了!an yin
It is too :Troublesome! 这太麻烦了!chua bou se mu
I am in a big trouble! 我有大麻烦了!chua bao
法语单词:ennui 麻烦,an nui , ennuyer 使烦恼,an nui er
德语单词:?rger 麻烦 an ga
日语单词:トラブル麻烦,tu wa bu li
越南语:r?c r?i 麻烦 rua rui
读音:英 ['tr?bl] 美 ['tr?b?l]
释义:n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦
v. 使烦恼;麻烦;苦恼;费神
例句:I'm sorry to have to put you to so much trouble.
很抱歉,给您添了这麽多麻烦 。
读音:英 [ple?ɡ] 美 [ple?ɡ]
释义:n. 瘟疫;麻烦;灾祸
vt. 折磨;烦扰;造成麻烦
例句:I'm not going to plague you with a lot more questions, Miss Culver
卡尔弗小姐,我不会再问更多的问题来烦你了 。
读音:英 [?b?e?'re??n] 美 ['bɑ?e?'re??n]
释义:n. 麻烦;打扰
例句:Botheration: The act of bothering or the state of being bothered.
麻烦,打扰,讨厌:打扰的行为或被打扰的状况 。
读音:英 ['d?f?k?lti] 美 ['d?f?k?lti]
释义:n. 困难;争议;麻烦
例句:Why do you come to me with every little difficulty?
读音:英 [??nk?n'vi?ni?ns] 美 [??nk?n'vi?ni?ns]
释义:n. 不便;困难;麻烦
vt. 使。不便;使。困难
例句:I hope it won't inconvenience you too much.
我希望此事不会给你带来过多的不便 。
3.说一件事情很麻烦 的那个麻烦 用英语怎么说麻烦
má fan
(费事) troublesome; inconvenient:
这事要是太麻烦,你就别费神了 。-- 不,一点也不麻烦 。Don't bother if it's too much trouble. -- No trouble at all.
你如果这样做就会自找麻烦 。You will bring trouble on yourself if you do so.
(使费事) put sb. to trouble; trouble sb.; bother; put out; put about:
不必麻烦你到车站去接我 。Don't trouble to meet me at the station.
我并不想给你添麻烦 。I don't want to be a bother to you.
4.麻烦用英语怎么说麻烦的英文单词有:trouble、plague、botheration、difficulty、inconvenience 1、trouble 读音:英 ['tr?bl] 美 ['tr?b?l] 释义:n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦 v. 使烦恼;麻烦;苦恼;费神 例句:I'm sorry to have to put you to so much trouble. 很抱歉,给您添了这麽多麻烦 。
2、plague 读音:英 [ple?ɡ] 美 [ple?ɡ] 释义:n. 瘟疫;麻烦;灾祸 vt. 折磨;烦扰;造成麻烦 例句:I'm not going to plague you with a lot more questions, Miss Culver 卡尔弗小姐,我不会再问更多的问题来烦你了 。3、botheration 读音:英 [?b?e?'re??n] 美 ['bɑ?e?'re??n] 释义:n. 麻烦;打扰 例句:Botheration: The act of bothering or the state of being bothered. 麻烦,打扰,讨厌:打扰的行为或被打扰的状况 。
4、difficulty 读音:英 ['d?f?k?lti] 美 ['d?f?k?lti] 释义:n. 困难;争议;麻烦 例句:Why do you come to me with every little difficulty? 你为什么有一点小麻烦便来找我? 5、inconvenience 读音:英 [??nk?n'vi?ni?ns] 美 [??nk?n'vi?ni?ns] 释义:n. 不便;困难;麻烦 vt. 使。不便;使。
困难 例句:I hope it won't inconvenience you too much. 我希望此事不会给你带来过多的不便 。
5.太麻烦您了英文怎么写太麻烦您了的英文:I'm sorry to trouble you
【很麻烦用英语怎么说】1、I'm sorry to trouble you, sir . May I clean the room now?