司马光英文怎么写( 二 )

Sima guang hit cylinder
古时候有个大文学家 名叫司马光,他小时候特别机灵、特别勇敢 。下面,我就给大家讲一个《司马光砸缸》的故事 。
In ancient times there was a great writer Named sima guang, his childhood clever, very brave. Here, I will give you tell a story of sima guang hit a cylinder.
有一天,司马光和小伙伴在花园的假山上 玩捉迷藏的游戏 。有一个小朋友 一不小心 掉进了假山旁边装满水的 大水缸里 。
One day, sima guang and rockery in the garden Playing a game of hide and seek. Have a friend Accidentally fell into the rockery in the tank filled with water.
水缸里的水可深了,那小朋友挣扎着喊“救命!”小伙伴们看见都吓坏了,有的哭、有的喊、还有的跑到外面去找大人帮忙…… 。眼看,水缸里的小朋友就要被水淹没了…… 。
The water in the tank can be deep and the children struggled to shout "help!" Friends saw all freaked out, and some cry, some shouted and ran outside to ask adults for help 。. See, the children will be submerged in the water tanks 。。.
只见 司马光急中生智,从地上抱起一块大石头,使劲向水缸砸去 。只听——“砰”一声,水缸破了,里面的水流了出来,水缸里的小朋友得救了!
See sima guang used his quick wits, picked up a big stone from the ground, his strength to the tank. Listen to - a "bang" sound, tank is broken, the inside of the water flow out, the children were saved in the tank!
【司马光英文怎么写】大家都夸司马光 是遇事 沉着冷静,善于想办法 解决困难的好孩子!
Everyone praises sima guang is a calm demeanor, and be good at to find a way to solve the difficult good boy!
4.司马光的翻译司马光在7岁的时候就严肃庄重像成年人的样子,听到别人讲说<;左氏春秋>;,心底里很喜欢这本书,回家后和家人讲解就已经了解其大概的要义了 。从此手不释卷{酷爱读书},乃至到了不知饥渴和寒暑的地步 。一群孩子在庭院中嬉戏,一个小朋友登上水缸,不小心失足掉进水缸里,众人一见闯祸就都害怕跑开了,司马光拿起打石头砸破水缸,水从里面流出,小朋友因此而得救了 。
即了其大旨 了,了解 其,代词,代<;左氏春秋>;的
爱之 之,代词,代<;左氏春秋>
手不释书 释,放
众皆弃去 去,离开
破之 之,代词,代水缸
5.英文描述“司马光砸缸”的故事,70个单词左右差不多是这样把:On one occasion, Sima Guang with smaller partners in the back yard to play. The yard has a large water tanks, have a child climb along the upper tank to play, accidentally, fell into the tank factory. Large cylinder depth, saw the child had drowned soon. I see other children into trouble scared weeping, shouting, went outside for help for adults. Sima Guang from the ground to pick up a big rock, hard to hit a water tank to go, "Bang!" Broke a water tank, water out of flooded kids in the water saved. 有一次,司马光跟小伙伴们在后院里玩耍 。
院子里有一口大水缸,有个小孩爬到缸沿上玩,一不小心,掉到缸厂里 。缸大水深,眼看那孩子快要没顶了 。
别的孩子们一见出了事,吓得边哭边喊,跑到外面向大人求救 。司马光却从地上捡起一块大石头,使劲向水缸砸去,"砰!"水缸破了,水流了出来,被淹在水里的小孩也得救了 。
6.司马光砸缸的英文对话剧情:有一次,司马光跟小伙伴们在后院里玩耍 。
院子里有一口大水缸,有个小孩爬到缸沿上玩,一不小心,掉到缸里 。缸大水深,眼看那孩子快要没顶了 。
别的孩子们一见出了事,吓得边哭边喊,跑到外面向大人求救 。司马光却急中生智,从地上捡起一块大石头,使劲向水缸砸去,“砰!”水缸破了,缸里的水流了出来,被淹在水里的小孩也得救了 。