片刻怎么用( 二 )

吉玛在门口稍停了片刻 。
As he passed the next cabin he paused a minute.
当他走过隔壁客舱时 , 他停了一会儿 。
She paused a little and Philip pressed her to tell it.
她踌躇了一下 , 但菲利普催她把那件事说出来 。
She paused at the door out of fear.
由于害怕 , 她在门口迟疑了一下 。
The dog paused when it heard me.
狗听到我的声音停了下来 。
S+~+to- v
The man paused to look round.
那人停下来看看四周 。
The joggers paused to catch their breath.
慢跑者们暂停下来以便喘口气 。
用作名词 (n.)
After a little pause, he went on with his speech.
稍停一会儿后 , 他又继续讲演 。
After a short pause he added gravely to me,“ I think we ought to help them.”
停了一会儿后 , 他接着严肃地对我说:“我认为我们应当帮助他们 。”
The lady spoke for an hour without a pause.
那女人不停地讲了一个小时 。
Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.
据官方消息 , 这场战争的时间不会长 。

