冬雪英文怎么写( 二 )

Passers-by a brow pressed look, feel and some frustration, not completely diffuse in the sense of snow that year. 真的哀叹现在很少有一场能让人享受的淋漓尽致的雪了 。Really bemoan people now can enjoy a few of the most vividly the snow. ??雪越来越稀罕了,大雪变小雪,多雪变少雪,根据科学家分析:少雪或者无雪是气候变暖的原因,气候变暖是因为“温室效应”,而“温室效应”是因工业化带来的大气污染 。
? ? snow more and more rare, and snow changing to light snow, snowy fewer snow, according to scientists Analysis: less snow or no snow because of global warming, climate warming because of the "greenhouse effect" and "greenhouse effect" is the air pollution caused by industrialization. 但是我们现在失去的已不仅仅是雪,而是人们赖以生存的自然环境,而我所企盼的,也不仅仅是雪,而是人类环境意识的觉醒 。But we have lost not only snow, but people rely on the natural environment, and I look forward to, and not just snow, but the human environment consciousness. ??北方无雪的冬天是不完整的,人生的境遇亦是如此,不经历悲欢离合、风霜雨雪,如何能品得其中的滋味 。
? ? northern winter without snow is not complete, the situation of life is also true, does not experience sorrow and joy, wind, frost, rain and snow, how can one get the taste of products. 记得曾经有人说过,虽然不管是荡气回肠的爱情史诗,还是气吞山河的丰功伟绩,终究会像落雪般消逝,但留给人们的无疑是一笔宝贵的财富 。Remember someone had said, although whether it is soul-stirring epic of love, or the Majestic's great achievements,。
歌词:Edelweiss, edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white
Clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
【冬雪英文怎么写】Blossom of snow
May you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
Small and white
Clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow
May you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
4.写雪的英文短诗A Snowy Sunset
Snow Snow on the ground
Sun is sinking down down down
Trees trees covered in Wight
People gasp at the sight
Snow Snow on the ground
Animals scurry all around
Snow Snow in your hair
Stiffness and cold in the air
Snow Snow on the ground
People sledding down down down
Hot Coco and coffee inside
Why not go for another sled ride
Snow Snow on the ground
The sun has set past the ground
Lights light up the city bright
People every where say what a sight
5.有关描写雪的文章(英文版)have memories of childhood is snowy, flying in the air that have the white wizard Ruxu, such as butterflies, like birds, with flowers of hope, deep thinking, and floated wide input into the arms of Mother Earth. ??白的树、白的房、白的原野、白茫茫的天地之间顿时成了一座圣洁的殿堂 。
? ? white trees, white house, white plains, between the world of white suddenly become a holy temple. 在这银装素裹的世界里,心儿仿佛也被沉淀、净滤,变得纯洁、圣灵、安静,使灵魂升华的像冰雪一样晶亮透明 。In this snow-bound world, the mind seems to have been precipitated children, the net filter, becomes pure, the Holy Spirit, quiet, so that sublimation of the soul as bright as snow and ice clear. 大地恬然入睡,万物陷于黙想 。
Earth Tianran sleep, things like trapped in Summerside. 谁也不忍打扰这个令人无限遐想的童话世界 。Who also could not bear to disturb the reverie of the fairy tale world is unlimited. ??大人们可以安然的躲在家里,用雪的纯洁追忆着似水年华和对来年的希冀与祝福,侃着天、喝着茶,享受着空气里亲情流动的温馨与快乐 。