
1.英文love letter 怎么写My dear :
Maybe you don't know I love you
But now I will let you know
And let you understand how much I love you
I miss you ,I miss you every day and every night
我想你 , 我天天夜夜都想你、
And you are always in my mind
Though I don't know if you love me
But I will always care about you
我是我会一直的关心你 , 爱护你
Please believe me ,
and may I ask you a question?
Would you mind being my girlfriend(boyfriend)?
恩 , 这个是我自己写的、
2.怎么写informal letter就好像用那些字词能突显出自己在写informal letter..比如I'm very happy about you letter 。..
然后还想问的是 , 最后写什么句子结尾?
I hope it can help you? OK.
You can also write:
I wish you all the best!
I hope everything will be going well.
I am looking forward to your letter.
Write me when you have time.
etc, etc, 。
再然后结尾称呼那里用your faithfully还是sincere?
None of them, as they are too formal.
Take care.
with best regards.
your love is also an option.
3. The most important thing i've learnt from my parents is love,how to love the others and also how to love myself.love is the most important thing in the world,they thought .It is difficult to describe all that my parents have done for me.These actions can not be expressed with any words.Our parents want us to live well.They want us to live better than them.They don't expect us to repay them with anything.when i was only a little child,my parents always told me to help people who are more unfortunate than we are.,We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble,they often said,Love is emotional strength,which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes.i have seen love through my parents,and i will keep it in my mind forever.Everyone in the world needs to give and receive love. 。
4.美国申请大学的essay怎么写很多同学都知道一个人申请的EESAY写的好坏会对一个学生的美国大学本科申请起到至关重要的作用 。很多07、08、09、10的前辈都说FOLLOW YOUR HEART , 但是随着越来越多的申请人加入美国本科申请和奖学金的竞争当中 , FOLLOW YOUR HEART的基础要求越来越高 , 一个优秀的超出其他优秀的学生他去FOLLOW HER/HIS HEART是会写出很精彩的东西的 。但是如果只是一般优秀的你写出自己作为班长或者学生会主席有多么出色的话 , 即使再生动 , 恐怕也很难打动录取委员会全部圈定你的申请 。上边这段文字不是暗示大家作假 , 我们一直都明确要求我们的客户在申请中要以绝对的真实去申请学校 , 也许有的人说如果太真实会让我失去竞争力 。其实不然 , 每个事物都有精彩的一面 。这就好像是拍电影 , 同样的题材 , 不同的导演会拍出不同效果的电影 。
更多海外留学信息和申请条件可以上全 库 看看 , 祝您成功留学
5.美国大学申请信如何写个人数据:申请人姓名:拼写方式和书写形式应始终保持一致、相同;标明姓氏;与护照、户口簿上的姓名相同一致 。
出生日期:按拟去国的历法习惯顺序排列 。如:MM/DD/YY OR DD/MM/YY
通讯地址:能保证你能及时收到来信的准确地址 。能将自己通讯地址的中文标签寄给对方使用为最好 。