
1.全家福用英文怎么说Family Portrait
全家福(Family Portrait):小朋友们鲜艳的蜡笔艺术品就像生日蛋糕上的糖霜一样,呈现出全家在游戏场的温馨美景 。色彩鲜艳的表带上浮雕着家人图案与名称 。
1. 全家福摄影 Family portrai ; family ; Large Family Portrait ; Family Portrait Photography
2. 全家福全家福 Colorful family portrait ; Family portrait family portrait ; family
3. 范文全家福 A Photo of My Family
4. 大部分丢失的信息都不太重要,你的硬盘坏死之后,没有了全家福照片和视频,你的后代仍然会过得很好 。但有些信息却并非如此 。
Much of what it is being lost is hardly essential - future generations will probably manage finewithout all the family photos and videos you lost when your hard drive died - but some is.
5. 我当时拍了第一张全家福,但不知它对于每个家庭和我们部门的意义 。
I took that first portrait not knowing what it would mean to the families or our department.
6. '有,你看 。' 我拿出了皮夹,手忙脚乱地翻出了我的全家福照片 。
I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family.
2.用英文翻译“全家福”翻译:Family portraits
英 [?f?m?li] 美 [?f?mli]
英 ['p?:tr?ts] 美 ['p?:tr?ts]
n.肖像,画像( portrait的名词复数 );生动的描写
The house itself was full of family portraits and Regency furniture.
这所住宅封处陈列着家族成员的肖像和摄政时期的家具 。
1、flesh cocktail
英 [fle? ?k?kteil] 美 [fl?? ?kɑk?tel]
2、a photograph of the whole family
1、范文全家福 A Photo of My Family
2、全家福报价 FAMILY ; Family portrait quote
3、金汤全家福 Gin family portrait ; Kim Tong Family ; Jintang family portrait
4、商品全家福 Packing list
3.用英语怎么写全家福作文East, west, home is the best(金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝)/ My Family(我的家)As the old saying goes, “East, west, home is the best”. Whenever I'm tired, I can have a good rest at home. Whenever I feel sad, my parents will come to comfort me. Whenever I'm happy, I can share my joy with my family members. I live in Shanghai. There are two bedrooms and a living room in my home. Although the flat is not big, I feel comfortable to live there. It is near my company, so I can ride a bike to work everyday. During the weekends, I will do some housework and study English at home.I love my home. It is the best place ever.
There are many happy things in my Childhood. I still remember the good old days when I play with my family. When I was 10 years old, my father took me to Hong Kong to see my aunt. This was my first visit to Hong Kong. During my stay there, I went to the famous Ocean Park and the Hong Kong Disneyland. My aunt was very excited and we all had a good time. This travel became the happiest things in my childhood.

