
读法 英 [w??m] 美 [w??rm]
1、guinea worm [医]麦地那龙线虫
【虫用英语怎么说】2、worm shaft n. 蜗杆轴,蜗轴
3、worm and worm gear 蜗杆蜗轮
4、silk worm 蚕,茧蛹
1、worm作名词是“蠕虫”的意思,转化为动词作“为…驱虫”解,可指为动物驱虫,也可指给人驱寄生虫 。引申可表示“小心缓慢地行走”“慢慢探得” 。
2、worm可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词 。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语 。
bug,insect,pest,worm这些名词均含“虫,昆虫”之意 。
1、bug指小昆虫,尤指吸血的臭虫,也可指细菌 。
2、insect含义广泛,多指蚂蚁、黄蜂、蝉等等 。
3、pest指有害的昆虫或有害的小动物 。
4、worm侧重指蚯蚓、蚕、毛虫等小而无骨的虫 。
2.虫的英文是什么worm[wE:m]n.虫, 蠕虫, 蚯蚓, 蜗杆, 螺纹, 小人物vi.蠕行, 慢慢前进vt.使蠕行, 慢慢地走, 给(烟草作物)除虫wormwormAHD:[w?rm] D.J.[w*8m]K.K.[w)m]n.(名词)Any of various invertebrates, as those of the phyla Annelida, Nematoda, Nemertea, or Platyhelminthes, having a long, flexible, rounded or flattened body, often without obvious appendages.虫:几种无脊椎动物中的一种,如环节动物门、线虫类、纽形动物或扁形动物门,有长的、柔软的、圆的或扁平的身体,经常没有明显的附属肢体Any of various crawling insect larvae, such as a grub or a caterpillar, having a soft, elongated body.幼虫:几种爬行昆虫幼虫的一种,如蛆或毛毛虫,有柔软的,细长的身体Any of various unrelated animals, such as the shipworm or the slowworm, resembling a worm in habit or appearance.如虫般的动物:几种不相关的动物中的一种,如船蛆或蛇晰,在习性或外表像蠕虫Something, such as the thread of a screw or the spiral condenser in a still, that resembles a worm in form or appearance.有螺纹状的物品:某物,如螺旋线或蒸馏器的螺旋冷凝器,在构成或外表上像蠕虫The spirally threaded shaft of a worm gear.螺纹:蜗轮的刻有螺旋线的柄An insidiously tormenting or devouring force:潜伏的黑暗力量:一种暗中使人苦恼的或贪婪的力量:“felt the black worm of treachery growing in his heart”(Mario Puzo)“一种黑暗的背叛力量在他心中升起”(马里奥·普佐)A person regarded as pitiable or contemptible.被认为可怜或可鄙的人worms Pathology Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites; helminthiasis.worms 【病理学】 寄生虫病:蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部分的侵害;肠虫病Computer Science A program that replicates itself and interferes with software function or destroys stored information.【计算机科学】 计算机病毒:一种自身复制并干涉软件功能或破坏储存信息的程序v.(动词)wormed, worm.ing, wormsv.tr.(及物动词)To make (one's way) with or as if with the sinuous crawling motion of a worm.爬行:做或好像做蠕虫般弯弯曲曲爬行运动而前进To work (one's way or oneself) subtly or gradually; insinuate:慢慢进入:迂回地或渐渐地达到(自己的目的);迂回进入:She wormed her way into his confidence.她渐渐取得了他的信任To elicit by artful or devious means. Usually used with out of : 渐渐探出:通过技巧的或不正直的方式诱出 。
通常同out of : wormed a confession out of the suspect.从嫌疑犯口中诱出口供To cure of intestinal worms.治疗肠虫病Nautical To wrap yarn or twine spirally around (rope).【航海】 螺旋式地卷线或螺旋式地缠(绳)v.intr.(不及物动词)To move in a manner suggestive of a worm.如虫般地移动:以使人联想到蠕虫的方式移动To make one's way by artful or devious means:有技巧地解决:以狡诈的或不正直的手段前进:He can't worm out of this situation.他没有办法解决这个问题Middle English 中古英语 from Old English wurm 源自 古英语 wurm variant of wyrm * see wer- 2wyrm的变体 *参见 wer- 2worm[w\:m]n.虫;蠕虫;蛆earth worm蚯蚓可怜虫;小人物螺纹wormvt.驱除体内寄生虫蠕动;扭动The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy's lines.战士向敌阵地爬去 。(与into连用)潜入,钻入,混入(与out连用)套出(话)来He wormed the secret out of her.他从她嘴里把秘密套出来了 。