最美杭州推荐词怎么写( 三 )

5.美丽杭州推荐词200到500字我说美丽富春江 富春江水就是美,包括奇山和异水;富春江水就是好,奇山异水相围绕;富春江水就是牛,泉水在山里面流;富春江水就是甜,到了这里就难言 。没有一丝儿风,烟雾也完全消失,天空和群山是同样的颜色 。(我的小船)随着江流飘飘荡荡,时而偏东,时而偏西 。从富阳到桐庐一百来里(的水路上),奇山异水,独一无二 。
水都是青白色,千丈之深的地方也能看到底,水底的游鱼和细小的石子也能看得清清楚楚 。湍急的江流比箭还要快,那惊涛骇浪势若奔马 。
江两岸的高山上,全都生长着苍翠的树,透出一派寒意 。(重重叠叠的)山峦各仗着自己的地势争相向上,仿佛要比一比,看谁爬得最高,伸得最远,由此而形成无数的山峰 。(山间)的泉水冲击着岩石,发出泠泠的响声;美丽的鸟儿彼此嘤嘤地叫着,十分和谐 。蝉不停地叫着,猿不停地啼着 。看到这些雄奇的山峰,那些极力攀高的人就平息了自己热衷于功名利禄的心;看到这些幽深的山谷,那些忙于世俗事务的人就会流连忘返 。树枝纵横交错挡住了上面的天空,虽在白昼,林间仍显得昏暗;在枝条稀疏的地方,有时还能见到阳光 。
6."最美杭州"推荐词要求契合主题,有真情实感,真切体现杭州之美杭州是西湖 杭州最美丽的,当属西湖 。
她如同一个温婉的女子:柔软,永远不会伤人,再锋利的都安然的包容进去 。在杭州,每个人都有自己的西湖 。
西湖,其实是藏在每个人的心里,沿湖岸找一处茶馆,花上几十元,茶点随意吃,泡上一天,品味的是杭州当地人的生活 。悠闲的下午 杭州是悠闲 不论你是形色匆匆或步履匆忙,杭州的春日都会让你放慢脚步 。
其实,行游杭州,只有仔细品味,才会知晓它的美丽 。西湖曲院风荷太子湾风光 杭州是故事 中国最凄美的爱情故事都发生在杭州,不论是春秋时的范蠡和西施,还是东晋时的梁山伯与祝英台,或是南宋时的许仙与白素贞,无一例外的都在这个城市印刻下了痕迹 。
杭州的完美,在于她给予爱情最浪漫的词藻与布景;爱情的完美,在于她之于现实最大限度的宽容与无奈 。断桥残雪 杭州是爱情 在西湖边与相爱的人牵手在湖边散步,一起守候日出等待夕阳,听湖滨花园里那围坐的老人低吟清幽婉丽的越剧小调;一起听春来的声音;一起守花开花谢至藤蔓失语 。
这样的走着,这样轻轻曼曼安安静静地相伴一生,与杭州那一个个流传千古的动人传说一起沉于历史,变作永恒 。桃花烂漫 杭州是夜色 不见杭州的夜,也许你会喜爱这城市;见了杭州的夜,你才会热爱这城市 。
杭州的夜生活,不张扬、不热烈、不浮于表面、不随处可见、不唾手可得 。就像西湖边的夜灯,总是在千年古木中、在湖水倒映里若隐若现;杭州的夜生活,也是在这种若隐若现中像龙井茶一样被徐徐泡开……也许,只有喜欢“品”西湖的人,才更善于发现并享受杭州的夜生活 。
夜杭州,是一份风雅恬然中带着的隐约的张狂 。杭州夜色 。
7.最美杭州推荐词200字中英文The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad. Tiger-running Spring The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the "Two Wonders of the West Lake". The Lingyin Monastery The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul's Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake. Here exists the Lingyin Monastery, a famous ancient temple in China, in front of which there are Feilai Peak, Cold Spring, Longhong Cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and gullies. Spring Dawn at Su Causeway It's a 2.8 km. long boulevard cutting across the south-north scenic area, and lined with trees and flowering plants. When Spring comes with crimson peach blossoms and green willows; the scenery is all the more charming. Strolling along the boulevard, one feels as if the West Lake were wakening in dawn mist. Young willows were ethereal, spring breeze so caressing, and birds were chirping in unison. The Moon Reflected in Three Pools "There are islands in the lake and three are lake on the islands." The three stone towers were first built in Yuanyou 4th year (1089) of the Song Dynasty, with the wonderful scenery of "one moon in the sky having three reflection in the lake", it is one of the wonderful scenes of the West Lake. 著名的西湖就像一个灿烂的明珠,镶入在美丽富饶的海岸,东海河口附近的杭州湾 。