
1、I'm Home
2、I arrived home
3、I just got
4、I got home
5、i'm back home again
6、I go back home
老公我到家了 I got home her husband ; My husband arrived home
我终于到家了 I'm home at last ; I finally arrived home ; Me finally arrived ; I am finally coming home
今晚晚些我就会到家了 I'll be home late tonight
我刚回到家 I just got home ; I just came home
今天我回到家 Today I go back home ; Today I got home
当我回到家 When I got home ; When I get the home ; When I go back home ; When I home
你当我回到家 you when i get home
我回到的家 I'm turning for home
我只要回到家 I'm only going over home
我希望我又回到了家 I wish I was back home again
1、John: I was at home last night.
约翰:昨晚我就到家了 。
2、I was at home last night.I called,but you weren't at home.Where were you?
昨晚我就到家了 。我打电话给你,你不在 。
3、It was late when I got home, but I was very happy.
虽然我到家晚了,但是我很高兴 。
4、A little walk and I'll be home, I'll be back with Tommen, in my own chambers
inside Maegor's Holdfast.
只要走短短一段路,我就到家了,回到托曼身边,回到梅葛楼我自己的房间 。
5、When I came back home my girlfriend punched me in the face and asked who the
girl was.
我到家了以后我的女友就给了我一拳,问我那女孩是谁 。
6、The driver turned around and told me that I was home.
司机转过身来,告诉我到家了 。
2.我的家,用英语怎么写我的家的英文:my home、my house 。
一、my home
英 [h??m] 美 [ho?m]
1、I look upon this as my home.
我把这当作我的家 。
2、This is my home!
二、my house
英 [ha?s] 美 [ha?s]
1、I was screaming at them to get out of my house
我尖叫着让他们离开我的家 。
2、You can find my house along the avenue.
沿着林阴道你能找到我的家 。
house,building,dwelling,shelter,habitation,home,residence这些名词均含有“居住处”之意 。
1、house中性词,泛指一切供居住的建筑物,尤指适合一家一户居住的房屋 。
2、building泛指一切建筑物,不限于居住的房子 。
3、dwelling正式用词,仅指人们居住的任何建筑物 。
4、shelter可指长期或临时的住处,也指简陋或临时搭建的躲避风雨的场所 。
5、habitation指长久或固定的住所或居住地 。
6、home指永久住家时,带有家庭所特有的温暖、情感等气息 。
7、residence指大而堂皇的寓所或公馆,也指法律上的居住点 。
3.英语作文 my family 带翻译My family 我的家庭
there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father likes reading.we share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f it.everyday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on it.my mum love to play computer games since i teach her how to do it.she likes to see the movies and play majiang on it.what's more, i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happiness for we can do whatever we like.we never quarel, if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other.My family is very harmonious,i love my family.