外贸英文开发信怎么写( 三 )

很多刚毕业的朋友们都是学国贸专业出来的,一般都学过外贸函电这门课,老师们反复教你们怎么写商务信函,怎么回询盘等等,其实这些教材几乎都是学院派人士编的,不是老掉牙过时的东西,就是和现实基本脱节的 。很多老师一辈子都呆在学校里,连外贸都没做过,你怎么能指望从他们这里学到写商务信函的精髓?真正的好的email,必须要模仿老外的行文方式,尤其是英语为母语的客人!即使你的邮件写得四平八稳,语法精到,整篇下来没有任何错误,在大学里可以拿满分作文了,可客人收到以后,还是怎么看怎么别扭 。
详询我Q 。发你邮箱也可以 。
Dear Mr. Steven Hans,
We get your name and email address from your trade lead on that you are in the market for ball pen. We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build business cooperation in the future.
We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. You are welcome to visit our website which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.
Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.
As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.
Best regards,
Dafu Wong
Dear Sir,
This is **, from *** Industries Co., Ltd.. So glad to have this opportunity to contact with you.
We are a professional company which has manufactured ** for more than * years in China, and
always be reliable partner to provide our products to ***.
For some new items, please check the attachment or visit 网址
If customer developments are needed, please contact us at 联系邮箱
We are looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
7.什么是外贸开发信,怎么写开发信开发信就是外贸业务员给客户发送寻求合作的邮件 。
1.关于主题 。
主题不要太复杂,简单一点,让人家有点开你邮件的冲动,你的目的就达到了 。关于这块,还是要多多学习,当然如果实在不会包装,就学我那样,简单点 。
2.关于称呼 。
这个其实基本上有发过开发信都会知道,如果知道对方的名字的话,一定要写“Dear xxx(名字)”,如果实在不知道对方的名字的时候,我们要写“Dear Sir or Madam”,这个是最好的称呼,其次是"Dears” 。
4.开发信的重头戏-----邮件内容 。
这个也是在前面打好基础后,客户终于点开了你的邮件,你的邮件内容是否能够引起他的兴趣,进而让他愿意给你回信 。这个步骤至关重要 。
如果您没有太多的经验,就使用网上现成的模板,请自行百度“肯为旎邮件DIY”就能找到 。
这个要看您的发件箱要求,如果不是企业邮箱,可能会有发送数量和频率限制,发送多了,会根本发送不出去 。
另外,还要看收件人的邮箱限制,如果同一个服务商,接收到同一IP地址发送的邮件太多,同样会被拦截,导致收件人根本收不到 。
8.谁会写外贸开发信啊,有模板最好啦首先你需要整理好自己公司或者工厂的产品介绍,英文配图,里面需要突出自己产品比起同类的哪里具有竞争力以及优势 。