高中英语教案该怎么写( 六 )

7.高中英语教师资格证面试的教案怎么写啊写高中英语教师资格面试教案主要写清楚教材分析、教学目标、教法学法和教学过程 。
(1)设计新颖活泼,精当概括 。
(3)提问哪些学生 。需用多少时间等 。
(1)针对不同教学内容,选择不同的教学方法 。
(3)教师该怎么教、学生该怎么学?详细步骤安排,需用时间 。
面试之前最好多练习说课稿的写法,掌握一定的面试技巧和技能 。
8.请问如何写英语教案教案可以帮助教师有计划、有步骤地进行教学,充分利用课堂教学时间,高质量地完成教学任务 。
教案写得如何将直接影响教学效果的好坏 。因此,在日常教学中,广大教师都非常注重写教案 。
那么写教案时应写什么呢 ? 一、写课题(topic)和课型(type of lesson ) 1、课题相当于文章的标题 2、课型指该节课的讲授类型,英语的主要课型有:新授予课(new lesson)、巩固课(reinforcement)、复习课(revision)、听力课(listening)、阅读课(reading)、语法课(grammar)、写作课(writing)等等 二、写教学目标( objectives) 教学目标是教学的核心内容,是教师施教的准绳 。教学目标要符合课程标准对教材的要求 。
由于教学目标要在课堂上展示给学生,让学生明确,所以写教学目标时,要力求简明扼要,浅显易懂,便于操作和检测,一般三到四个目标为宜 。三、写教学的重点(main points),难点(difficult points) 教学重点是课堂教学的主要任务 教学难点是师生顺利完成教学任务的障碍,关键要找到攻克教学难点的突破口,在教案中写清一节课的教学重点、难点和关键点,能提醒老师在讲课时注意:突出重点、突破难点、抓住关键 。
四、写教具(teaching aids) 课堂上需要什么教具要写清楚,如多媒体、录音机、教材录音、练习题、图片等 。vedios,flashcards 五、写教学过程( procedures) 教学过程是教案的主要部分,主要写以下几方面的内容:1、写教学环节,即教学任务 。
2、写知识点和所用时间 。3、写教师活动 。
“教什么”、“怎样教”,即写清楚要教的内容和方法,写出使用教具的时机和方法,写板书内容等 。4、写学生活动 。
六、写课堂训练题(exercises) 备课时精心设计的有针对性的随堂练习题要写在教案中 。写清出示这些题的办法,如用ppt、黑板、学生学案、补充材料或学生课本等 。
七、写课堂小结(summing-up) 课堂小结是教师帮助学生回顾和总结本节课的学习内容的重要环节 。小结的方式和方法要在教案中写清楚,不论是教师引导学生总结,还是由教师归纳总结,都要注意把本节课的内容纳入知识系统之中,使学生在整体上把握知识 。
八、写板书设计(blackboard designs) 板书是有声有色的教学语言,它具有直观性、形象性和启发性 。因此,教师要课堂上要有计划地使用黑板,板书什么内容、写在什么位置,用什么颜色的粉笔等要在备课时设计好,并写在教案中 。
补充:备课前必须回答的问题:1、学生的已知是什么 。2、本节课学生将要学会什么 。
3、学生学完后能做哪些以前不会做或做不好的事 。
9.英语教案应该怎么写要有教学目标,教学重点和难点,教学过程,布置作业等几个环节 。
我给你篇范文供你参考:Module 5 A Lesson in a LabPeriod 1 Teaching aims:1. To introduce some general science.2. To learn some words related to the theme of this module.3. To develop speaking ability by practicing saying the numbers, especially the fractions. Important and difficult points:1. Arouse the students' interests and love in science.2. Enable the students to understand some elements about the chemistry lab.3. Make the students know how to read the numbers.Teaching procedures:Step 1. IntroductionActivity 1The aim of the activity is to ask the students to finish the quiz about general science to arouse their interest in science. The activity can be done as follows:Firstly, ask the students to go through the following the quiz and make their choice on their own.Quiz: How much do you know about general science?1. Water exists __________.(a) as a solid, a liquid and a gas (b) as a solid and a liquid only2. When you heat a metal, it will ___________(a) expand (b) contract3. Steel is mixture of_____________.(a) iron and other substances. (b) iron and oxygen4. _______________ of the earth's surface is water.(a) Two-thirds (b) 50%5. The distance of the sun from the earth is ______________ kilometers.(a) 25,500 (b) 150,500,5006.The earth is 4.6______________ years old.(a) million (b) billion7. The earth is ______________ the moon(a) twice as large as (b) forty-nine times larger thanThen put the students in pairs to compare their answers and call back the answers from the class.Finally ask them to listen to the tape about the above quiz and check their answers.Answers: 1. a; 2. a; 3. a 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. b.Activities 2 & 3The teacher can prepare some cards about different things for the class at first. Before showing the students the cards, the teacher can say to the whole class: Things can be divided into three kinds, natural, man-made, and either natural or man-made, now I'll show you some cards in my hand, can you tell me which are natural, man-made or both?After this, the teacher can continue to say to the whole the class: Can you give some examples? Then divide the whole class into two big groups to compete. The teacher can ask the Ss to speak out as many examples as possible and write down the words in the table on the blackboard as follows:Natural Eg: wood, ------Man-made Eg: glass, ------Either natural or man-made Eg: water, ------Finally, ask the Ss to open their books at Page 41 and read the words in the box aloud. If possible, they can look up the words to know what they mean. Of course, the above competition will continue, that is to say, at this moment, the teacher can ask the Ss to put the words in the box on Page 41 in their books in the above table.Step 2. Vocabulary and SpeakingActivity 1The aim of the activity is to have the students know how to read the long numbers. So the activity can be done like this:Before dealing with the activity, the teacher had better build up a long number byhaving the students say an increasing sequence, eg:3 three33 thirty-three333 three hundred and thirty-three3, 333 three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three33, 333 thirty-three thousand, three hundred and thirty-threeAt this time, most of the Ss will know the way of reading these long numbers: where to say “million”, “thousand”, and “hundred” . So in order to consolidate what they just learned, the teacher can practice saying the numbers at the top of Page 42 with the students to make sure the Ss have the correct intonation.Then ask the Ss to go through the rest of the numbers in Activity 1 and find the errors individually according to the directions.Finally the teacher calls back the answers from the class.Answers: 1)The word “thousand” is missing after “four hundred and seventy”; 2)The word “one”(or “a”) is missing before “hundred million”. Activity 2Firstly, the teacher point at the fractions and say them in English. At the same time the teacher have the Ss repeat them after him or her.Then the teacher and the Ss make an analysis about the rules of reading fractions in English together.Finally the teacher ask the Ss to read the rest of the fractions in Activity 2 on Page 42 in their books in English on their own. If necessary, the teacher can write down the correct answers on the blackboard to check what they read.Answers: 1. two-fifths; 2. five-eighths; 3. nine-tenths 4.three-eighths; 5.five-sixths. Activity 3The teacher should introduce the concept of percentage at first, and then the teacher write down some percentages on the blackboard and read them out in English.Eg:。