放过自己英语怎么写( 二 )

同时也放过自己 。/Forgive. at the same time, let yourself. 6.明明得不到何必不肯放过自己曾经的愚昧无知 。
/Could not obtain He Bi not to be willing obviously to let off oneself once benightedness. 7.他们不放过自己生活中的那些不好的经历 , 为此他们无缘未来的生活中那些美好的经历 。/They cannot let go of the bad experiences of their lives, which closes the door for them to have p sitive experiences in the future. 8.原谅别人 , 就是放过自己 。
/To forgive others is to forgive yourself. 9.亲爱的自己 , 不要抓住回忆不放 , 断了线的风筝 , 只能让它飞 , 放过它 , 更是放过自己;/Dear self, do not grasp the memories and hold down the line kite, only to let it fly, let it go, but also let themselves; 10.假如此次再不让自己康复那么求求你请杀啦自己吧失望啦放过自己…/If you don't let me heal this time, I humbly pray: Please have me killed! I am in total despair, please acquit me of the torment, God … 。

