
1.橙色英语是怎样写橙色英语是orange 。
orange 英[??r?nd?] 美[??:r?nd?]
n. 橙色; 桔子,橙子; [植] 桔树; 桔色;
adj. 橙色的; 橘色的; 桔红色的;
[例句]An orange a day will give you all the vitamin C you need.
每天吃一个橙子能充分摄取所需的维生素C 。
I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.
我一边无所事事地翻着报纸,一边等着我点的橙汁和咖啡 。
Her hair was bright orange. It took us two goes to get the colour right.
她的头发呈明亮的橘黄色,我们试了两次才把颜色弄对 。
Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice.
家里到处是泼洒的橙汁留下的黏糊糊的痕迹 。

