
1.落的英语怎么写落luò动(掉下) fall; drop:脱落 shed off坠落 sink into; drop down花瓣落了 。
The petals fall.河水从高原上下落时,形成了巨大的瀑布 。As the river drops from the plateau, it forms great waterfalls.(下降) go down; set:降落 descend潮水落了 。
The tide is low (out).圆圆的太阳已经要落山了 。Already the round sun was setting.(使下降) lower:落帆 lower a sail把帘子落下来 lower the blinds(衰败; 飘零) decline; come down; drift about:沦落 degenerate衰落 decline; go downhill流落 drift about你怎么落到这步田地! How did you get into such a plight?(遗留在后面) lag behind; fall behind:名落孙山 fall far behind; fail in a competitive examination那个跛足的孩子远远落在后面 。
The lame child lagged far behind.在造船方面英国已落到日本后头了 。Britain has fallen behind Japan in shipbuilding.(停留; 留下) stay; stop over; leave behind:落栈 stop at an inn for the night落下痕迹 leave a trace behind(归属) fall onto; rest with:政权落在人民手里了 。
【衰败用英语怎么写】 The state power has fallen onto people's hands.责任自然地落到了我们肩上 。The responsibility naturally fell on our shoulders.(得到) get; receive:落埋怨 be blamed落不是 be criticized(用笔写) set ink (in writting); write with pen:落账 enter an item in account名(停留的地方) whereabouts:着(下)落 whereabouts(聚居的地方) settlement; residence:部落 tribe村落 village; hamlet(姓氏) a surname:落宁 Luo Ning另见 là; lào; luō 。
2) 落lào名(方) (北方对莲花落的俗称) a kind of folk song另见 là; luō; luò 。3) 落là动(遗漏) leave out; be missing; omit:你出了一个错,把字母e 落了 。
You've made a mistake -- you've left out the letter e.这里落了两行 。Two lines are missing here.(遗忘) forget to bring; leave behind:把课本落在寝室了 left the textbook in the dormitory对不起,我把信用卡落在家里了 。
Sorry, I left my credit card at home.(跟不上) fall (lag) behind:落下很远 fall (be left) far behind我们出去散步时,女儿总是落在全家人的后面 。Our daughter always lags behind the rest of the family when we are out for a walk.她落了一个星期的课 。
She's a whole week behind with her lessons.; She missed a week's lessons.另见 lào; luō; luò 。4) 落luō(构词成分)见 “大大落落” (dà da luō luo)另见 là; lào; luò 。
2.繁荣 英文怎么说flourishvi.繁荣,茂盛,活跃,兴旺,手舞足蹈,处于旺盛时期vt.挥动,夸耀n.茂盛,兴旺,华饰,繁荣boomn.繁荣,景气,隆隆声,长杆话筒,帆杆v.发隆隆声,兴隆,大事宣传prosperv.成功,兴隆,昌盛,发达,(使)繁荣,(指上帝)使成功prosperityn.繁荣,昌盛,景气,兴旺thrivev.兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长,旺盛gloryn.光荣,荣誉,荣耀,崇高,高尚,无上,壮丽,壮观,繁荣,昌盛,(宗教)天国的荣誉,天福,神像后的光轮你自己选一个吧,加油↖(^ω^)↗,你一定可以的!加油!!!!!! 。
3.英语作文关于泡面场衰败的原因Instant noodles are great to eat no matter what the situation may be.They are
easy,extremely quick to make and require little knowledge to make them taste
First,the noodles must be placed in a bowl with about five hundred
milliliters of boiling water.There is a small package with spices(usually
included) that should be added into the noodles.Cover the container and wait
for about three minutes until the noodles are soft.Upon lifting the cover you
will find a tasty and filling dish that took you less than five minutes to
So if you're in a hurry or just craving for instant noodles,tear open a