英语家庭作文怎么写( 二 )

Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to get up early as usual, buthe wasn't able to do that, because he hadn't set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did everything in a hurry. After father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "He will come back soon." "Why?" I was greatly surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday!" Just as mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed again--he was too tired.
You see, what an interesting family have! I hope that you will have one like mine, too.
每个人都有家 。我们大家生活在那里,并从那里获取温暖 。我们家有三口人,我妈妈、爸爸,还有我 。我们在一起幸福地生活,我们家有许多有趣的故事 。
我爸爸工作认真 。他是一名医生,他总是尽他最大的努力 去帮助每一位病人,尽力使他们感觉舒服 。有的时候,他工作太认真以致于忘了日期 。
我妈妈是一位记性很不好的人 。她总是做很多家务活,但有时却因为她的粗心而做错事 。比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中放水 。现在让我告诉你一件有趣的事:一天,爸爸想像平常一样早起,但是由于他前天没有设置闹钟,所以他起晚了,当他起床时,他匆匆忙忙地洗漱完毕就去上班了,爸爸离开后,妈妈神秘地对我说:“他一会儿一定会回来的 。”“为什么?”我十分惊讶 。“因为今天是星期天,他的假日 。”妈妈正说着的时候,不一会儿,爸爸就回来了,并且再一次上床睡觉了——因为他太累了 。
你瞧,多么有趣的家庭!我希望你也有一个像我一样的家庭 。
4.我的英语家庭作文怎么写I Love My Parents I love my parents.They gave me life,they taught me a lot.They hug me warmly,they offer me delicious food, they teach me how to be a good person.I love my parents.They comfort me when I'm sad,they cheer me when I lost my hope,they give me advices to show a more straigh way to the success.I love my parents,they've done so much for me. I love my parents,and I want to do something for them.I make my bed by my self,I help my dear mom do some washing often, I help my dear dad fill a glass of water.I try to do something for them to repay their love. Mom,dad,see how much I love you! 。
5.介绍家庭的英语作文加翻译I have a happy family, there are three people in my family. My father is a worker, he works at the site. My mother is a teacher, she very gentleness, she works in a school. And I'm a middle school student, in the first secondary school. I love my happy family!我有一个幸福的家庭,有三个人在我的家里 。
我的爸爸是一个工人,他在工地上工作 。我的妈妈是一个老师,她很温柔,她在学校里工作 。
而我是一名中学生,在第一中学读书 。我爱我的幸福的家 。
6.my family英语作文50词要简单一些的,带翻译my family
there are three people in my family ,my mother ,my father and me.different people enjoy doing different theings ,my mother is a doctor,she likes going shopping ,talking with her sick man ,listenling to the music ,reading books ,and so on ,my fanther is a teacher ,he likes watching tv ,doing exercise,I am s strdent ,I like playing computer games ,learn English ,singing songs and so on,I love my home,I love my family.
7.英语作文《我的家庭》怎么写There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I'm really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn't like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don't like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it's good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. 我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐. 我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅长运动并且在排球运动上犹为突出.但他不喜欢学习并且成绩不好.他喜欢讲笑话,经常和朋友和家人开玩笑并且总能使我们发笑. 我的父亲是一位医生.他在三亚的一家医院工作.他不喜欢看电视,但他很喜欢看报纸并且总是看到很晚. 我的母亲是一位侍者.她在一家餐厅工作.她有良好的习惯.她喜欢每天吃蔬菜和喝牛奶,但我不喜欢牛奶,它遭透了.空闲时间她喜欢看京剧,她说那有利于她保持年轻并且可以使她放松. 我的家人总是做一切对我有利的事.他们总是站在我这边. 我喜欢我的每一个家庭成员,我喜欢这个温暖的家. 。