
1.'恐怖'的英文是什么都用形容词性回答吧 。
terror , 【'ter?】 , 特-A-热-O(连读 , 英文字母按本音读 , 下同)
horrible , 【'h?r?bl】 , 鹤-热-呕-不-O
terrifying , 【't?rifaii?】 , 特-A-热-O-抚-艾-硬
dreadful , 【'dredful】 , 主-A-得-复-呃
提示 , 小同学 , 还是记音标好 , 汉语拼音等代替英文读音 , 这样不利于英语学习啊~
补充:horror可以 , 【'h?r?】 , 喝-欧-柔(连读)
2.恐怖环境的英文描写the story happened in a university. 10 years after graduated from the university, several students who used to live in the same dormitory reunion at the their dormitory. since that was a holiday so no students were at the dorm, they decided to stay there for one night.
in the evening, they lay on their beds and chatted as 10 years ago. they talked about the suicide of one of their roomates at that time. one said, "do you know why i told you the photo we took were destroyed? actually it wasn't destroyed. you all know that 7 of us took that photo, but when the photo had been filmed out, i found there were 8 people in the photo, including the dead one." after his words, all others frightened because they recalled his words,"if i suicide, all of you would be murderers". just at that moment, they heard a strange laughter that made terrified. the laughter came out from the bed the dead guy used to sleep. they all looked to the bed, and found the dead was lying on the bed 。
就是说几个大学时代的宿舍舍友在毕业十年后回到母校他们原来的宿舍 , 刚巧那天放假宿舍没人他们就决定在原来的宿舍住一个晚上 。晚上卧谈的时候原来的舍长提到了宿舍里一个自杀的舍友 , 说之所以没有把最后的照片给大家而骗大家照片洗坏了 , 是因为原本七个人照的照片 , 洗出来上面却有8个人 。这时候其他人都开始紧张了 , 因为他们想起那哥们说:“我要是哪天自杀了 , 就都是给你们逼的 。”这时候传来一阵笑声 , 是从那自杀哥们的床位上传出来的 , 大家循声看去 , 发现有一个人赫然躺在床上 , 脑壳迸裂 , 血肉模糊 , 不是那个自杀的家伙又是谁呢?

