
1.厨房的英文怎么写厨房:kitchen ; cookhouse
美女厨房 Beautiful Cooking ; Cooking Dash Deluxe ; Cooking Dash ; Women of the Kitchen
厨房内阁 Kitchen cabinet
可爱厨房 Lovely Kitchen
小厨房 kitchenette ; pullman kitchen ; Pentry room
厨房家具 [家具] kitchen furniture ; kitchens ; furnitures for kitchen ; HM-COOK
厨房乐园 Kitchen Krashers
厨房电器 kitchen appliance ; Kitchen Electrical Products ; Kitchen ; Appliances
创新厨房 Innovation Kitchen ; InnovineKitchen ; InnovKitchen
三代厨房 Triple Kitchen
1、把它拿到厨房去 。
Take it to the kitchen.
2、他偷偷溜到了厨房 。
He sneaked round to the kitchen.
3、他在厨房中搜寻一些吃的东西 。
He foraged in the kitchen for something to eat.
4、他将一条橡皮软管安装在厨房的水龙头上 。
He rigged a rubber hose to the tap in the kitchen.
5、他穿着笨重的靴子在厨房走来走去 。
He was clumping about the kitchen in heavy boots.

