手机有网英文怎么写( 二 )

1、How can I be sure that you just pick up her handphone?
2、Aid you see my handphone?
你有没有看到我的手提电话 。
3、There was one day the handphone billing company called up to check and
confirm if the bill is his.
有一天电话公司打电话想与他确认话单里的电话是否由他打出 。
手机 [shǒu jī]
[释义] cellphone; handset; mobile phone; [电影] Handphone;
[网络] cellular phone; Mobile; mobile telephone;
[例句]甚至还有一款移动应用可以通过手机摄像头来捕捉物体的3D图像,以便进行3D打印 。
There 's even an app that uses a cellphone camera to capture 3-D images of objects so they can be 3-D printed.
5.“手机”用英语怎么写1. cellphone
2. mobile phone
1. 他拿回了自己的iPad、手机和相机 。
His iPad, cellphone and camera were returned.
2. 我在地上发现了他的手机 。
I found his cellphone on the floor.
provided by jukuu
3. 我的手机放哪儿了?
Where is that cellphone?
4. 我想给我的手机充电 。
I want to have my cellphone charged.
5. 他上个月买了那个手机,那个手机现在丢了 。
The cellphone, which he bought last month, is lost now.
mobile phone例句
1. 他忘了带手机充电器 。
He forgot the charger for his mobile phone.
2. 我上周借我老婆的手机用,收到一个男人发来的短信 。
I borrowed my wife's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man.
3. 他那辆配有专职司机的轿车和公司手机将转交给他的继任者 。
His chauffeur-driven car and company mobile phone will be handed on to his successor.
4. 手机现在已经成了孩子们的必备品 。
The mobile phone is now a must-have for children.
5. 我的手机非常有用 。
My mobile phone is extremely useful .
6.**码的英文简写Mobile Phone表示**码,可以简写成MP,或MB,或Mob 。
Mobile 英[?m??ba?l],美[?mo?bl] 。adj. 可移动的; 行动自如的; 易变的; 流动性的;n. 手机;风铃;
phone 英[f??n],美[fo?n] 。n. 电话;听筒;(发声或使用声音的) 工具;说某种语言的;vt. 打电话(给某人);
1、Phone Number表示电话号码 。并不特指**码,可以简写成PN或者Phone NO 。
2、Telephone Number表示电话号码 。可以简写成Tel或者Tel NO 。
3、Cell Phone表示小灵通 。可以简写成Cell,或不用简写 。
我国使用的**码为11位,其中各段有不同的编码方向:前3位为网络识别号;第4-7位为地区编码;第8-11位为用户号码 。号码也就是所谓的MDN号码,即本网移动用户作被叫时,主叫用户所需拨的号码,它采取E.164编码方式;存储在HLR和VLR中,在MAP接口上传送 。
MDN号码的结构如下:CC(国家码,中国使用86 。)+ MAC(移动接入码,本网采用网号方案,为133)+ H0 H1 H2 H3(HLR识别码,由运营商统一分配)+ ABCD(移动用户号,由各HLR自行分配) 。
7.手机的英语单词如何写手机的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释基本解释
[handset] 电话的口承、耳承和相应的话筒、听筒都装在单个把手上 手机的英文翻译
[Telecommunication] cell phone; cellular phone; cellular telephone; mobile phone (a mobile communications facility having radio transmission and telephone switching capabilities that provide communication between mobile users. This technique reuses mobile frequencies in nonadjacent geographical areas or cells to greatly expand total system capacity.)2. [Telecommunication] handset (a telephone with the receiver and transmitter contained in a single hand-held unit)