
1.衣着暴露用英语怎么说我明白了,就是露得太多 。
Jessica: Exactly. You can also say someone is scantily clad. Scantily is spelt S-C-A-N-T-I-L-Y,意思是少,不够;clad is spelt C-L-A-D,意思是穿衣服 。
Jesica: Yes! For example, you can say girls who are scantily clad when they go out in the cold weather are at higher risk of getting sick.
WQ: 你是说,大冷天穿得特别少出门的女孩子更容易感冒 。那当然!不过做女生就是这么辛苦,为了漂亮只能忍着 。
Jessica: No! "Dressed to kill" means wearing fancy or formal clothing. 比如说,I was dressed to kill for my interview.
WQ: 哦,我明白了! Dressed to kill 就是着装正式、抢眼 。哎?你看这条西服裙行不行?It's not showing too much skin.
Jessica: I like this pencil skirt! It's perfect for the interview.
Jessica: (Pause) Hmm! WQ, now you're dressed to kill!
WQ: 第一,形容衣着暴露,可以用scantily clad,或者 show too much skin;
第二,穿得正式、抢眼,是dressed to kill;
第三,西服裙是pencil skirt!
1、It's unbelievable
"It's unbelievable!" he said.
【太露了的英语怎么写】“真是难以置信!” 他说 。
Just compared with a decade ago, it's unbelievable how fast barriers to entry have fallen to starting a business from your dorm room.
与时间前相比,创业门槛的降低快的令人难以置信,现在你可以从宿舍开创你的事业 。
He told the Daily Mail, through an interpreter: "It's unbelievable that I was speaking English likethat, especially without an accent.
他通过译员告诉每日邮报,“我能那样讲英语真是太令人难以置信了,居然还没有母语口音 。
2、No way
这个短语表达着一种“不可能”的意味,实在不敢相信某些事是真的就可以用上它 。
例:He's 40 years old.
他今年40岁了 。
No way! I would have guessed he was 25.
不会吧!我看他也就25 。
3、Tell me another (one)
从字面上看这句话是让对方再讲一个,其实它类似于我们中文的“接着编啊”~ 也是对别人的话表示可信度不高 。
例:Go on! Tell me another one!
接着说~ 你就扯吧!
4、Come on!
除了表示“加油”,这个短句根据语境,还有多种解释,它也可以作为一种反话,表示“不会吧” 。
Are you really going to sell your new car?
Come on! How dumb do you think I am?
5、A likely story
例:That's a likely story!
6、You're having a laugh
太不靠谱的事儿的确会令人一笑置之 。这句话恰到好处地表示“你在逗我么?”
例:£500 to cut down a tree - you're having a laugh, mate!
3.不要穿着暴露 英语怎么说1 Do not wear too revealing
2He does not like his girlfriend dress too revealing
3Girl clothes always exposed..
4He does not like girls heavy makeup
5He does not like too lazy, do not do housework, not cooking girl
6He does not like to cook, do not do housework

