春天用英语怎么读( 二 )

5.春天英文怎么读春天英文:spring读音:英 [spr??] 美 [spr??] n. 春天;弹簧;泉水;活力;跳跃adj. 春天的vi. 生长;涌出;跃出;裂开vt. 使跳起;使爆炸;突然提出;使弹开n. (Spring)人名;(德)施普林;(英、芬、瑞典)斯普林词组短语spring festival 春节(中国农历正月初一)in spring 在春天spring and autumn 春秋hot spring 温泉spring tide 大潮;涨潮双语例句1. I let the horse drop his head to crop the spring grass. 我让马低下头啃吃春天的青草 。
2. The blustery winds of spring had dropped to a gentle breeze. 呼啸的春风已经减弱,成了习习的微风 。3. If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring. 如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽 。
4. In the spring, the meadow is a mass of daffodils. 春天,草地上开满了黄水仙 。5. And all the time next spring's elections are drawing closer. 明年春天的选举即将来临 。
6.春天又来了用英语怎么读Spring is coming again.
你瞧,那年春天,又来了一封信 。
You see, there was yet another letter that spring.
你看,那年春天又来了一封信,泰迪说他遇到属于他的女孩,很快要结婚了 。
You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he had met this girl and was going to be married.
春天又来了,大地复苏,百花争艳,乍一看,在天上看大地和在水池里看大地有不同的感受呢 。
Spring came again, the earth recovery, flowers are blooming, at first sight, in heaven and earth to see the earth in the pool to see what different feelings.

